Means of Grace and the Sacraments
Opening Prayer
What is Grace? A gift God does not give you what you deserve: punishment. God gives you what you do not deserve: forgiveness.
Why must we firmly believe in Justification by Grace through Faith Why must we firmly believe in Justification by Grace through Faith? (4 reasons) (186) Chief Doctrine of Christianity distinguishes from false religions gives comfort to believers gives glory to God
Ways in which God offers, gives and seals the forgiveness that Jesus won for us on the cross
What are the means of Grace?
What are the means of Grace? Word & Sacraments
What is a Sacrament? Commanded by God God’s Word and earthly elements Offers and gives forgiveness of sins
What puts the power into the Sacraments? God’s Word
What does “baptize” mean What does “baptize” mean? “to apply water” How should the water be applied in Holy Baptism? Any way you wish as long as it is with the Word of God.
How does God claim me as His child in Baptism? He puts His name on me!
Who should be baptized? Everyone (all nations)
Why Baptize Babies? Part of “All Nations” Sinful and need forgiveness God offers forgiveness through Baptism Infants can believe
What passage is known as “The Great Commission?”
What are the blessings of Baptism? Forgiveness of sins rescues from death and devil eternal salvation.
To whom does God give the blessings of Baptism? all who believe
What puts the power in Baptism? God's Word
How do we make the blessings of Baptism our own? faith
What part of the worship service should remind you of your Baptism? Invocation
Means of Grace Word and Sacraments Ways in which God offers, gives and seals the forgiveness that Jesus won for us on the cross Word and Sacraments
Where are the words of Institution found in the Bible Where are the words of Institution found in the Bible? Matthew 26 Mark 14 Luke 22 1 Corinthians 11
What is the three part definition of a Sacrament? Instituted by God Visible means connected to God's Word promise of forgiveness attached.
The Sacrament of the Altar Holy Communion The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Table Eucharist Breaking of Bread Communion V. HOLY COMMUNION Other Names: Lord's Supper, Lord's Table, Sacrament of the Altar, Communion, Eucharist (give thanks)
What was Jesus celebrating with His disciples when He instituted the Lord’s Supper? Passover
What does Christ give us in this Sacrament? His true body and blood for the forgiveness of sins
Does everyone who communes receive the Body and Blood of Christ? Yes!
What puts the power in the Sacrament? God’s Word
What is Present? Body Blood Bread Wine Reformed Symbolic Roman Catholic Transubstantiation Lutheran View Real Presence Body Blood Bread Wine
What are the benefits and blessings of Holy Communion What are the benefits and blessings of Holy Communion? Forgiveness of sins, life and salvation, victory over sin, strength for a new life
How are these blessings obtained How are these blessings obtained? by believing God's promise "Given and shed for you..."
Does everyone who communes receive these blessings? NO!
Are the blessings always there? YES, by the power of God's Word
Who obtains these blessings Who obtains these blessings? Those who have faith in Jesus Christ and believe that it is His body and blood which he offered on the cross.
How do you receive the Sacrament of the altar worthily How do you receive the Sacrament of the altar worthily? By believing the words "Given and shed for you..."
How are we to examine ourselves before communing? am I sorry for my sins? Do I believe that Jesus is my Savior? Do I believe His body and blood are present in the Sacrament? Do I plan to change my sinful life?
Who must not be given the Sacrament? Openly ungodly and unrepentant Those unforgiving who refuse to be reconciled (grudge) Those of a different faith Those not able to examine selves
Test 3
What is prayer? 231 talking with God
What should be in our prayers? 233 A-C-T-S
How does God answer prayer? (3) 235 yes, no, wait
What does it mean to pray "in Jesus' name?" with faith in Jesus
For whom should we pray? 236 Everyone except those who are dead
Where should we pray? 237 everywhere
When should we pray? 238 all the time; continually
How is the Lord's Prayer divided Introduction 7 petitions Conclusion
What should you think of when you say "Our Father What should you think of when you say "Our Father?“ 245 we should not be afraid to ask Him anything
To whom should we pray? 247 Only the True God, Triune God
How should we pray? (3) 248 In Jesus' name with confidence according to God's will
How is the First Petition like the Second Commandment How is the First Petition like the Second Commandment? 250 They both speak about God's Name
Why do we pray that God's name would be made holy Why do we pray that God's name would be made holy? 252 So that He would help us keep it holy
How do we keep God's name holy among us How do we keep God's name holy among us? 252 When we teach His Word correctly and live according to it.
For what do we ask in the Second Petition? (3) 257 Help us live godly lives Extend the kingdom of Grace Kingdom of glory might come quickly
Where in the Bible do we find the Lord’s Prayer? Matthew 6 and Luke 11
Memory The Introduction Our Father who art in heaven.
First Petition Hallowed be Thy name Second Petition Thy Kingdom Come
Homework Devotion with family Homework Devotion with family. Bring back the sheet with responses filled in!
Closing Prayer