Trends in consent rates for organ donation Claire Hamilton
Overview Summary PDA data Consultation of ODR and consent rates Trends in ODR consultation and consent rates
PDA Data Audited deaths Non-cardiothoracic ICUs in UK Patients aged 75 years and under Audit started in April 2003 18 months: 1 April 2007 – 30 September 2008 Forms received by 29 January 2009
Potential for HB donation Results Audited patient deaths 22,203 Ever on mechanical ventilation 20,386 Brain stem death possible diagnosis 2,265 Brain stem tests performed 1,740 (77%) Death diagnosed following brain stem tests 1,703
HB Results (2) N Potential HB donor 1,694 (confirmed BSD no absolute medical contraindications) Referred to coordinators 1,470 (87%) of 1,694 Families approached 1,521 Consent for solid organ donation Given 950 (62%) of 1,521 Not given 571 (38%) of 1,521 Actual solid organ donors 857 (90%) of 950 with consent (51%) of 1,694 potential
Consent rates by patient demographics Patient age group 0-17 18-24 25-34 35-49 50-59 60+ 56% 59% 65% 59% 66% 67% p=0.1 Patient sex Male Female 63% 62% p=0.9 Patient ethnicity White Non-white 69% 31% p<0.001
Organ Donor Register Consent rate = 93% Consent rate = 60%
Organ Donor Register Consent rate = 30%
Trends in consultation rates Potential HB donors where solid organ donation was considered Proportion for whom the ODR was consulted By quarter 1 April 2005 to 30 September 2008
Trends in ODR consultation rates % ODR consulted 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Trends in consent rates Potential HB donors where family were approached for consent Consent rates for two groups Patient registered on ODR Patient not registered on ODR or ODR not consulted Consent rate overall
Trends in consent rates 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009
Potential for NHB donation Results N Audited patient deaths 22,203 Ever on mechanical ventilation 20,386 Not confirmed BSD 18,683 NHB donation possible 2,502 Treatment was withdrawn 1,718
Potential for NHB donation Results N Potential NHB donor 1,718 Referred to coordinators 711 (41%) Families approached 703 Consent for donation Given 399 (57%) of 703 Not given 304 (43%) of 703 Actual NHB solid organ donors 226 (57%) of 399 with consent (13%) of 1,718 potential
Organ Donor Register Consent rate = 90% Consent rate = 56%
Organ Donor Register Consent rate = 25%
Summary HB NHB Of cases where family approached ODR was consulted 87% 83% Overall consent rate 62% 57% Consent rate: patient on ODR 93% 90% patient not on ODR 60% 56% patient’s ODR status unknown 30% 25% Consultation of ODR increasing for potential donors
Acknowledgements Thank you to all those people who collect data for the Potential Donor Audit.