Subject What We’re Learning Mrs. Schimke’s Class Newsletter December 18-22 Subject What We’re Learning Reading We will not be starting a new story this week. Instead, we will be focusing on different fun stories and doing some projects with each one. Language Arts We will work on some writing skills this week. Math We are review the chapter on Monday and then take our Chapter 6 test on Monday. Science & Social Studies Science – we will not start a new unit this week. Social Studies – we will continue to learn about the Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts. Teacher Notes Remember to initial the student planner each night. All test, quiz, and assignment dates are subject to change. Collect those Box Tops and Pop Tops! (we are NOT doing well with these contests) Dates to Remember 12/19 SHJH Band Concert 12/20 Eagle’s Nest 12/21 Hot lunch 12/22 Winter Wonderland 12/23 – 1/7 Winter Break Spelling Words We will not have a spelling test until 2018. We will have some fun with different spelling words from lists that we did not test on. I may even throw in some holiday words just for fun!
Subject What We’re Learning Mrs. Schimke’s Class Newsletter January 8-12, 2018 Subject What We’re Learning Reading We will read a biography called Young Thomas Edison. Our story skills are: main idea/details, sequencing, summarizing, and shades of meaning. Language Arts We will learn about verbs in the future, the special verb be, helping verbs, and irregular verbs. Math We will divide 2, 10, 5, 3, and 4. Science & Social Studies Science – we will begin a new unit called Environmental Traits. Social Studies – we will learn about the “Shot Heard Round the World”. Teacher Notes Remember to initial the student planner each night. All test, quiz, and assignment dates are subject to change. Collect those Box Tops and Pop Tops! (we are NOT doing well with these contests) Dates to Remember 1/8/18 Welcome Back! 1/11 Treat Day and Fire Safety Assembly 1/12 Early Dismissal 1/15 No School 1/17 End of 2nd Quarter 1/25 Hot Lunch 1/26 Report Cards come home! 1/31 Eagle’s Nest Spelling Words talk 8. chalk 15. soft cross 9. also 16. small awful 10. raw 17. often law 11. salt 18. strawberry cloth 12. wall cost 13. lawn crawl 14. always Test Date Jan. 19