Netchem Remote Access Lecture Guideline Matrix interferences in flame atomic absorption spectrometry Course Environmental Quality Control (Advanced course) Remote access - Live connection (in real time) between lab and classroom Dr Snežana Maletić, associate professor and Professor Dr Ivana Ivančev-Tumbas, IT support Strahinja Vrsajković University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
Educational objectives To equip the students with the knowledge of: (1) proper preparation of complex matrix for metal analysis; (2) optimization of instrument operation conditions; (3) different matrix influences on absorbance signal and subsequently on the resulting metal concentration; (4) dealing with complex matrices such as sediment samples.
Prerequisite and background Students must already be familiar with the basics of AAS and have to pass the entrance test before lab work. The test is uploaded on Moodle. The introductory lecture related to the overview of the instrument work and lab rules is performed by the AAS laboratory staff with remote access from the classroom to the laboratory. Students receive an introduction to lab work and the instrument. Before the remote visit to the accredited AAS laborotory students should view the educational materials uploaded on Moodle ( and prepare themselves for the discussion (list questions).
The student has to: 1. Succesfully pass the Moodle entrance test 2. View the educational material for the lecture and prepare him/herself for the discussion,, 3. Participate in the remote access to the accredited AAS laborotory and discuss the material with the professor and educator
Remote access classroom-laboratory DESCRIPTION OF REMOTE ACCESS NETCHEM COMMUNICATION SIDES (NOTE: NETCHEM Communication is defined as an event that involves all kinds of internet interactions (in real time and not in real time) between participants via devices (PCs, laptops, tablets andmobilephones)) host side (NOTE: Host side of NETCHEM Communication is defined as PC who invites other users to join the session) Participant’s PC in the laboratory (lecturer/professor from AAS lab) guest side (NOTE: Guest side of NETCHEM Communication is defined as PC who joins the invitation to session) Participant’s PC or lap top in the classroom where students watch and listen to the lecture with or without professor and communicate Q/A sessions COMMUNICATION SOFWARE Team Viewer Meeting: Yes Remote control: No Meeting and Remote control simultaneously: No Skype Call 1:1: No Conference Call: No COMUNICATION HARDWARE on host side 1 PC for each participant, micorphone+, conference camera with speakers on guest side 1PC or laptop, headset with microphone and web camera INFORMATION EXCHANGE TYPE Educational (one side is dominantly receptive) Place of Educator participant: IC lab and optional with students in classroom Number of educator(s): 1+ optional 1 Place of student participant: classroom or home Number of student participant(s): up to 10 in classroom Consultative (two sides are equal in giving-receiving information) Number of host side participant(s): Number of guest side participant(s):
Remote Access Connection Instructions What makes these lectures different and unique from other classroom lectures is that we have incorporated a section in each activity to remotely acess laboratories, lecturers from your classroom. Request a remote lecture/lab session specifying information such as: the day, the time, and the instrument you are interested in using by visiting our web site: You will see the list of partners with the instruments provided to chose from. You will be contacted by a Remote Access staff member to set up a test run to ensure you are set up properly and have the required infrastructure. In some cases it will be possible to send samples or verify the in-house sample you would like us to prepare and load for characterization. There are two communications software packages, that will allow us to communicate instructions and answer questions during the session. - TeamViewer: You can obtain a free download at: - Skype
Remote Access Connection Instructions You will need: Computer with administrator access to install plug-ins and software An internet connection Speakers Microphone Projector connected to the same computer Web browser (Firefox preferred) Camera During the test run you can refer to this guide to perform the following steps, but it’s very important that you only proceed with these steps during your scheduled times. You may interfere with other remote sessions and potentially damage equipment if you log in at other times. Open and logon to your Team-viewer account. You will be given the access code to enter at the time of your test and then again during the remote session. If you are using the Team-viewer software, Remote Access staff will give you the Meeting ID. You should soon see the Remote Desktop Share or Video Conference and at this point you can see what is on the screen as if it were your desktop or live video connection (in real time) from laboratory. Switch to full screen mode by selecting the maximize screen option in the top right corner of the screen. Upon completion of the session, move your mouse to the top right corner of the screen, and click on the X to disconnect the remote session.
Remote Access Connection Instructions Instructions for using TeamViewer are in detail explained in Deliverable 2.2 named Guidelines for courses publishing by WARIAL networking ( In brief, The meeting function allows a host to present video call (Video Conference) from a laboratory or the content of his screen (Remote Desktop Share) to other participants (guest). Up to 25 users can join a meeting. For both Educational (one side is dominantly receptive) and Consultative (two sides are equal in giving-receiving information) information exchange types Video Conference and Remote Desktop Share can be arranged.
SETTING UP A MEETING (for host) To host a meeting, switch to Meeting tab in TeamViewer main window. In the Start meeting area, click on Presentation or Video Call. Session will start with certain Meeting ID (a 9-digit code, randomly generated for each session). If the invited participant is in the contacts list (My Computers list), just click on their name. If not, they will need to receive a Meeting ID via phone/e-mail. A list of all the participants will appear in Participants widget. Through this list, the presenter can manage privileges of each attendee. When all participants join a meeting, video call or presentation can start. SETTING UP A MEETING (for guest) To attend a meeting, if you are invited via presenter's contact list, an invitation message will appear. Simply click on Join button to join the meeting or if you are invited via phone/e-mail, enter the provided Meeting ID, and some informative alias (e.g. your name and/or institution) into Your name field, and click Join meeting. Regardless of joining method, two windows will appear: the window with presenter's desktop content or window with all video links of all participants, that is the center of all activities, and TeamViewer Panel (that can be hidden or displayed anytime by clicking the icon on its left side). When all participants join a meeting, video call or presentation can start. WHATEVER YOUR ROLE IS YOU CAN SHARE FILES AND CHAT (see instructions at
Author, Editor and Referee References This remote access laboratory was created thanks to work done primarily at University of Niš. Contributors to this material were: Dr Snežana Maletić and Dr Ivana Ivančev-Tumbas Refereeing of this material was done by: _____________________ Editing into NETCHEM Format and onto NETCHEM platform was completed by: ______________
References and Supplemental Material The NETCHEM platform was established at the University of Nis in 2016-2019 through the Erasmus Programme. Please contact a NETCHEM representatives at your institution or visit our website for an expanded contact list. The work included had been led by the NETCHEM staff at your institution.