Use of Domestic Reclaimed Water Background picture of water drop falling into bowl of water Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
30 TAC chapter 210 Subchapter A General Provisions General Requirements for Production, Conveyance, and Use of Reclaimed Water Subchapter B Quality Criteria and Specific Uses of Reclaimed Water Subchapter C Alternative and Pre- Existing Reclaimed Water Systems Subchapter D Special Requirements for Use of Industrial Reclaimed Water Subchapter E Use of Graywater and Alternative Onsite Water Subchapter F Reclaimed Water Production Facilities Subchapter P Subchapter A General Provisions Subchapter B Requirements for Production, Conveyance and Use of Reclaimed Water Subchapter C Quality Criteria and Specific Uses of Reclaimed Water Subchapter D Alternative and Pre-Existing Reclaimed Water Systems Subchapter E Requirements for Use of Industrial Reclaimed Water Subchapter F Use of Graywater and Alternative Onsite Water Subchapter P Reclaimed Water Production Facilities
ROLES & RELATIONSHIPS Producer Provider User Permittee or Entity responsible for the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facility Provider Entity responsible for SUPPLYING Reclaimed Water to Users Provider may or may not be the Producer User Entity receiving and USING the Reclaimed Water User may or may not also be the provider or the producer
What is Reclaimed Water Requirements: Reclaimed water is water that has been treated to at least the PRODUCER’S wastewater permit effluent concentration limits Only On-Demand use Permit must provide for an alternative method of disposal when there is no demand for reclaimed water Discharge Land Application Picture of a wastewater treatment facility
Types of Reclaimed Water TYPE I - For use where contact between water and humans is likely Specific Allowed Uses: Irrigation of parks, athletic fields, school yards, and residences Wading, boating or fishing in impoundments Fire protection - internal sprinklers or hydrants Food Crop Irrigation where water may contact edible portion Toilet flushing Irrigating of Pastures for milking animals Any Type II use
Types of Reclaimed Water continued TYPE II - For use where contact between water and humans is unlikely Uses: Irrigation of sod farms, silviculture, limited access highway rights of way, and other remote sites (sites not used by public during irrigation) Maintenance of impoundments or natural water bodies – no direct human contact Soil Compaction and Dust Control in construction sites – minimal aerosol drift Food Crop Irrigation where water will not contact edible portion Cooling Tower make up water Irrigating of animal feed crops other than pastures for milking animals
Reclaimed Water Quality Standards Type I BOD5 or CBOD 5 5 mg/l Turbidity 3 NTU Fecal Coliform or E. Coli 20 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Fecal Coliform or E. Coli 75 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Enterococci 4 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Enterococci 9 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Notes: The standards represent 30 day average Enterococci only in coastal areas
Reclaimed Water Quality Standards Type II (for other than a pond treatment system) BOD5 20 mg/l CBOD 5 25 mg/l Fecal Coliform or E Coli 200 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Fecal Coliform or E Coli 800 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Enterococci 35 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Enterococci 89 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Notes: The standards represent 30 day average Enterococci only in coastal areas
Reclaimed Water Quality Standards Type II (for a pond treatment system) BOD5 30 mg/l Fecal Coliform or E Coli 200 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Fecal Coliform or E Coli 800 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Enterococci 35 CFU/100 mil (30-day geometric mean) Enterococci 89 CFU/100 mil (max. single grab sample) Notes: The standards represent 30 day average Enterococci only in coastal areas
Domestic Reclaimed Water Authorization Current Wastewater Permit Application on Web TCEQ Form : TCEQ-20427 Does not expire Items to Submit Application Operation and Maintenance Plan Service Area Map – clean, able to be photocopied User Service Agreement – sample; if user is different from Provider, and or Producer Note: Each authorization has specific sampling, record keeping and reporting requirements Picture of a Paper Perm
Common Application Mistakes Adds Time to Issuance Process Improper signature on application Engineer not authorized to sign application MUD – president or authorized officer Illegible service area map – map must be able to photocopied in B/W glossy maps don’t photocopy well No reference Incorrect Drastic zone selected – sets required liner permeability Producer Listed is not actual permittee Producer address does not match permit address
More Common Application Mistakes Provider not listed as an active CN in Central Registry No O & M plan submitted No User Agreement submitted Using On Channel ponds
Common Questions Received Signage How many signs must I have around my pond? What size do the signs have to be? Do I need to have signs up within my plant? Do I need to change all the piping on my existing system to use reclaimed water? Can I use an existing force main or collection system pipes for reclaimed water ? decommissioned (Y/N) must prevent cross contamination Picture of Recycled Water in Use sign
More Common Questions Received Can I irrigate with reclaimed water if I have a TLAP permit? Do I need to address all of the safety requirements at my plant ? Can I place my storage in the floodplain? What pressure do I need to have in my reclaim water distribution system? Can I transfer my Reuse Authorization? Key : User Agreements
Contact Information Paul A. Brochi, P.E. Phone: 512-239-1372 Email:
QUESTIONS? A background picture of a Question Mark?