BES: Environmental Health April 5, 2019 Spring Break Next Week! BES: Environmental Health April 5, 2019 Please grab the handout and get out your journal!
Warm Up 4-5-19 What result from our water testing was the most interesting or surprising to you?
Success Criteria: What will I be able to do? I can investigate different ways to remediate (clean up) toxic waste spilled/dumped in our environment.
Graph your results Think about what type of graph this should be: Circle, Bar or Line? Circle = Parts of a whole Line = One variable is causing an effect on another variable. Bar = Comparison between similar items. You will be making 4 different graphs (one for each test—no pH). Put one graph per page in your journal so you have room for labeling and titles. Use color and a key!
Water Testing Discussion 4/3/19 Make new chart of all of the samples you tested and answer these questions for each: Would this be safe to drink? Why or why not? Use your metals chart or ask your student expert in that metal for the health consequence, or look up the consequences of poisoning if they don't know / it's a new substance. Sample Safe to Drink? Health Consequences?
Grab your computer and log in: Directions: Please go to Lesson 5.1: Review and Grade a Sample RDP Get the class copy Individual Research Design Plan (yellow) and a Grading Rubric (white) Read everything in lesson 5.1 about the RDP and what you should be planning for your upcoming investigation. Using the rubric, evaluate the sample RDP. Turn in your rubric. You will be assessed on how accurately you assess the Sample RDP.