OTHELLO TEST PART TWO PARAPHRASE/ANALYZE Theme TOPICS (NOT THEMES) Manipulation and deception Love (Destructive Power of… Loss of…) Jealousy/Envy Appearance vs. Reality Justice/Vengeance The Source of Evil/The Power of Evil Reputation The power of words (or silence) Chain of Being Order in the Natural World and Hierarchy
Other Literary Elements Imagery Figurative Language (Comparisons) Allusion Alliteration (Emphasis) Couplet
1. LODOVICO-This horrible villain partly confessed his plan. Did you (Othello) plan Cassio’s death with him? This is the point in the play where the bond (pact) between Iago and Othello is finally revealed. This exposes the truth of all the dramatically ironic events to all of the characters. This conveys how conspiracy and ‘villainy’, while partially hidden, will eventually be exposed and justice will prevail. Shakespeare further shows the willingness of Iago to take down Othello even yet another peg, telling how Othello did in fact, plan to murder Cassio. Thus, Othello’s reputation is even further ruined.
2. OTHELLO- Will you please make this half-devil say why he tricked me and damned my soul? Shakespeare is suggesting that Iago’s villainy is of the order of the devil. O. realizes how far he’s fallen, and will thus lose his immortal soul to Hell. Shakespeare also shows how Othello is now completely stripped of power, as he himself cannot even question Iago. His hubris is now stripped away and he is now a shell of what he once was. Thematically, Shakespeare is suggesting that
3. IAGO- Don’t ask me anything. You know what you know. From this moment on, I’ll never say another word. Iago, who has previously refused to keep his mouth shut, now decides that he will not reveal his plans and motivations. The other characters are left to torture him, much as he tortured Othello. Shakespeare suggests that mankind will never understand true evil. Perhaps Iago does not understand it himself. Thematically Shakespeare is suggesting that human beings cannot or will not comprehend or even admit to their evil impulses.
4. CASSIO- I found the handkerchief in my room, and Iago just now confessed that he put it there for his own special purposes.
5. LODOVICO: You (Othello) are stripped of your power and your command, and now Cassio will govern Cyprus. As for this slave, Iago, if we can think of any torture that will hurt him a lot yet keep him alive a long time, he’ll have it.
6. OTHELLO- When you record these sad events in your letters, please describe me exactly as I am. Don’t tone things down or exaggerate them out of hostility. If you’re being fair, you’ll have to describe me as someone who loved too much, but who wasn’t wise about it. I was not easily made jealous, but once I was tricked and manipulated,
7. OTHELLO(Speaking to DESDEMONA) I kissed you before I killed you. Now, as I stab myself, I’m dying and I will kiss you again.
8. LODOVICO: Governor, (Cassio) I leave it in your hands to punish this evil villain (Iago): just decide the time, the place and the way that you will torture him, and then carry it out! I have to go back to Venice, and sadly tell them about this horrible thing.