Gravitational Fields, Circular Orbits and Kepler’s Laws
Gravitational Field The Force of gravity per unit of mass at a given point It is the same as “local gravity” for a planet
Finding g (0,100m) m = 10,000 kg What is g at the origin?
Tycho Brahe
Johannes Kepler
Kepler’s First Law of Planetary Motion The orbit of a planet/comet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun's center of mass at one focus
Ellipse vs. Circle
This occurs because angular momentum is conserved Kepler’s Second Law of Planetary Motion A line joining a planet/comet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time This occurs because angular momentum is conserved
Kepler’s Third Law of Planetary Motion The squares of the periods of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their semi-major axes
Kepler’s 3rd Law for Circular Orbits
If the distance R is measured in AU and the period T is measured in years then the third law for orbits about the Sun becomes
Comet Axis? What is the length of the semi-major axis of the orbit of a comet that takes 76 years to revolve around the sun?