Biodiversity in Agroecosystems
What is this? Be Wise DON’T use a 4-letter word!
Objectives Students will be able to: Understand Biodiversity and Sustainability Understand Population dynamics Understand the link between biodiversity and Sustainability Understand how population dynamics=biodiversity producing Sustainability
Biodiversity Is the degree of variation of life forms with in a given species, ecosystem, biome or an entire PLANET! Whoofta! A measure of ecosystem health More simple put: Variation of life at all levels of biological organization
Biodiversity What organisms make up an Agroecosystem? Animals Plants Microbes
Animals What animals are present in an ag system? Livestock-produced, brings in germs, increases soil organic matter thru defecation. Rodents- eats crops, brings germs, tills/mixes soil. Wildlife-increases soil organic matter, can bring in disease for livestock, provide recreation. Birds-source of nitrogen, can bring disease, consumes pests.
Plants What plants are present in an ag system? Crops: The plant that is managed by a producer for profit or forage. Examples: Corn, soybeans, hay, wheat, fruit trees, etc. Weeds: Plants without a modern, economic use. These decrease yield, and can cross(breed) with crop plants. Example: Downy brome, field sunflower, spotted knapweed. Native plants: Plants that are naturally found in a system. These are generally removed to make place for crops to grow. Example: Big Bluestem Non-native: introduced for a reason like forage crop, salt tolerance or brought in by wildlife or on tires, equipment. Example: Salt cedar or old- world bluestem.
Microbes What microbes are present in an ag system? Bacteria: First to grow, consume simple carbon sources (sugar) and nitrogen sources. Responsible for simple decomposition of small molecules in residues. Can cause pathogen issues with crops, reducing yield. Fungi: Late to grow, consume more complex C and N containing residues: plant waxes, lignin, alcohols. Can also cause pathogen issues in crops. Actinomycetes: Responsible for that smell after rain. Shuttle nutrients to soil rhizosphere from locations that a typical plant root cannot grow. Algae: present in soil and produces C and N for biomass production by other microbes and plants. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae fungi (AMF): Responsible for shuttling nutrients and water to plant roots through hyphae (tube like, arm structures) that the plant would not normaly not have access too. Do not like chemical additions or tillage.
Bacteria on a plant root. Fungi, like AMF, and their hypae (hair structures).
Aren’t they pretty?
How is Agriculture Biodiverse? On three levels: Farm Community Agricultural Region
Farm Biodiversity Cropping System Organic vs. Conventional Models Monoculture vs. Polyculture Winter wheat vs. Alfalfa Crop Diversification Montana/Canada Border Intercropping Three Sisters Cereal Legume System Integrated System Animal Plant Operations Organic vs. Conventional Models Dryland vs. Irrigation Synthetic Chemical Input vs. Natural Inputs
Farm Biodiversity Cropping System What are some advantages and Monoculture vs. Polyculture Winter wheat vs. Alfalfa What are some advantages and Disadvantages to these to systems?
Farm Biodiversity 1 Minute paper time Crop Diversification Montana/Canada Border Intercropping Three Sisters Cereal Legume System Integrated System Animal Plant Operations 1 Minute paper time Design an integrated cropping system for Wyoming.
Farm Biodiversity Organic vs. Conventional Models Conventional Organics and Bob Quinn Diversified system decreases pathogens and breaks disease cycles. Guarantees profit at harvest because if one crop fails there is always another to take its place. Sustainable less leaching of nutrients and SOM building. Conventional Potential crop failure Increased inputs Control disease and pests
Farm Biodiversity Dryland vs. Irrigation Take a minute and discuss with your neighbor how biodiversity is different between dryland and irrigated systems?
Farm Biodiversity Synthetic Chemical Input vs. Natural Inputs
Community Biodiversity Community= The area around a farm Parks Towns Other Farms Processing plants If you have a farm in Laramie what elements make up the farm community?
Agricultural Region Biodiversity Agricultural Region= The region surrounding your farm and community that has similar cropping habits. What practices might affect your farm that come from your agricultural region?
Ways a farm can be Biodiverse
What causes Biodiversity? On a molecular level Mutation Recombinant Genetics Naturally Natural Selection Integration of plant and animal on a farm Decreased use of synthetic chemicals
Take Home Message about Biodiversity ↑diversity →↑differentiation→↑productivity→↑diversity HEALTH of SYSTEM High diversity = greater disturbance resistance
How does Biodiversity work into Sustainability? Sustainability= Ecosystem approach to agriculture. How do we decrease sustainability in the farm? Tillage Nutrient additions Monocropping Continual cropping How do we increase sustainability on the farm? Crop rotation Reduce Fallow Biocontrol Integrate systems Utilize natural fertilizers Foster microbes in soil.
See any connections between Biodiversity and Sustainability?
Increased Biodiversity= Healthy Populations Take Home IF: Increased Biodiversity= Healthy Populations Sustainability= Healthy Ecosystem Dynamics Then: Biodiversity + Sustainability= Healthy Population Dynamics
Biodiversity + Sustainability= Healthy Population Dynamics Why: Biodiversity + Sustainability= Healthy Population Dynamics Niches are filled and populations can manage one another Food isn’t a limiting factor. Through Farm management practices that foster diversity over time: SOM increases Input costs decrease There is a benefit to each level of agriculture biodiversity (Farm, Community and Agricultural Region) EACH CONCEPT OF BIODIVERSITY IS A MAIN CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABILITY!
How does increasing biodiversity on your farm increase sustainability? QUESTION: How does increasing biodiversity on your farm increase sustainability?
How does increasing biodiversity on your farm increase sustainability? Assignment 100pts: How does increasing biodiversity on your farm increase sustainability? Directions: Write a one (1) page paper discussing biodiversity on a farm and explain how these elements help sustainability and soil health. Please write in complete sentences, spell check and have an introduction, body and conclusion to your work.