Chapter 1 About Science
1.1 Physics __________ is the study of: motion, forces, energy, matter, heat, sound, light, and atoms. Physics is the back bone of _________ and __________.
1.2 math… Math is a way to __________ something to be ____________. Math leaves little room for different interpretations.
1.3 scientific method A series of steps to figure out an answer to a question.
Scientific Method Recognize a Problem Observation/Data collection Hypothesis Predict the Outcome Perform Experiments Formulate a Conclusion
Problem? 1. recognize the problem. What are you trying to figure out?
hypothesis 2. Make an educated guess. What do you think is happening?
Predict 3. using your hypothesis predict what will happen next.
experiment 4. make an experiment to test your hypothesis. You should use your prediction to make the experiment.
Are you right? From your data determine if you are correct in your hypothesis. Make a statement to organize your thoughts.
1.4 Scientific Attitude The purpose of an experiment is to prove a hypothesis _________________ We know it works sometimes, but we want to know when it doesn’t work.
Fact a truth known by actual _________________________; something known to be true
Hypothesis An ________________ that is ___________________ until ___________________________.
Laws and Principles the _____________________ ___________________________ a hypothesis with no contradictions.
theory This is ______________________ Theories _______ change if experiments prove them wrong. _________________ whose status is still subject to experimentation.
1.5 Scientific Hypothesis It must be ____________ - have a test to prove it wrong.
1.6 Sci., Tech., & Society Science is the ____________________ Technology is the _________________________ Society can _________ ideas that are accepted.