DO NOW V: 0 Tuesday Jan. 20 Date DO NOW Answer Your DO NOW should be in complete sentences, detailed, and thorough. MONDAY 01/12 Three observations about this map are…. I think the symbol “H” represents… I think the symbol “L” represents… TUESDAY 01/13
Homework & Agenda V: 0 Homework Grade Level: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook Pre-AP: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook QUIZ FRIDAY Today’s Agenda Pass back Quiz and Homework Air Pressure Candle Activity Reading: Pressure Systems Four Squares
TEKS V: 0 8.10 (B) Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts
Vocabulary V: 0 High Pressure System Low Pressure System
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does Earth’s surface change? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Identify the features of and weather associated with high and low pressure systems.
Air Pressure Candle Activity Put on your safety goggles and safety apron. Put clay in the center of the aluminum pan. Place the candle in the clay. Fill the aluminum pan with approximately 2 cm of water. When instructed, light the candle.
Air Pressure Candle Activity Allow the candle to burn for about 1 minute. Swiftly invert the test tube over the lit candle so the opening of the tube is below the surface of the water but not touching the pan. Hold the test tube in place for 3 minutes while you make observations. In your INB, draw a picture of what you saw happen in the test tube and record your observations.
Air Pressure Candle Activity CLEAN UP Dry the test tube. Clean any spills on the table. Empty the aluminum pan. Organizes all materials in the aluminum pan in the center of the table.
Reading & Four Squares V: 1 Read pages 206-207. Answer the questions behind each window. Include drawings and diagrams with your answers.
Reading & Four Squares V: 1 Write and answer the following in on page of your INB. ANSWER each question and DRAW A PICTURE. What is a high pressure system? What is a low pressure system? What type of weather is associated with a high pressure system? What type of weather is associated with a low pressure system?
DO NOW V: 0 Wed/Thurs Jan. 21&22 WED/ THURS 01/21 & 01/22 01/21 & 01/22 Five observations about the map are…. FRIDAY 01/23
Homework & Agenda V: 0 Homework Grade Level: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook Pre-AP: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook QUIZ FRIDAY Today’s Agenda RM 17: Practice Reading a Weather Maps Crushin It Air Masses and Fronts Weather Stations Card Sort Exit Ticket
TEKS V: 0 8.10 (B) Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts
Vocabulary V: 0 Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Occluded Front
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does Earth’s surface change? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Identify the characteristics of weather fronts and explain the type of weather each generate.
Map RM 17 V: 1 Using your notes about air pressure…. Observe the map on page RM 17 Answer the questions .
Crushin It V: 1 1. Draw and describe what you saw. 2. Copy and fill in the table below. 3. There are high and low pressure systems that affect the humidity and temperature outside. Based on what you observed in this lab, do high temperatures go with low or high pressure weather systems? Why? . Temperature Pressure Inside the Can Outside the Can
Crushin It V: 1 OUTSIDE THE CAN Cooler air Higher density Higher air pressure INSIDE THE CAN Hot water Low density Low air pressure High pressure air tries to move into the low-pressure area in the can, but the opening is sealed by water.
Crushin It V: 1 OUTSIDE THE CAN Cooler air Higher density Higher air pressure INSIDE THE CAN Hot water Low density Low air pressure Pressure from outside the can is stronger than inside the can and pushes the sides of the can inward.
Air Masses & Fronts V: 1 Read: Air Masses & Fronts Create a 4-fold foldable. For each front, include the following: symbols description of front formation weather associated with each front a diagram of the front.
Weather Stations V: 2 Set up INB for Weather Stations At each station Read the instructions Complete the task Record your answers Check your answers in your folder
Card Sort V: 1 Complete the card sort with your shoulder partner then add any new symbols to your foldable.
Exit Ticket V: 0 Make a prediction about what you think the weather will be on Friday in Austin and two other cities.
DO NOW V: 0 In what city will it be windiest? ST. LOUIS LAS VEGAS NEW YORK BIG SKY TAMPA DO NOW WED/ THURS 01/21 & 01/22 FRIDAY 01/23 In what city will it be windiest? What is the weather like in Tampa? What is the weather like in Big Sky?
Homework & Agenda V: 0 Homework Grade Level: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook Pre-AP: Pages 470-481 (Except Number 9 on page 471) from textbook QUIZ MONDAY Today’s Agenda Grade homework Review for Quiz
TEKS V: 0 8.10 (B) Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts
Vocabulary V: 0 High Pressure System Low Pressure System Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Occluded Front
EQs & Objectives V: 0 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: DAILY OBJECTIVES: How does Earth’s surface change? DAILY OBJECTIVES: Students will… Demonstrate mastery of 8.10 A and B.
Quiz Review V: 2 High & Low Pressure Systems Fronts: - Warm Front - Cold Front - Stationary Front - Occluded Front
Read and re-read the passage. Underline the question QUIZ V: 0 Read and re-read the passage. Underline the question Bubble important words Identify the key idea, write it in margin. Eliminate the wrong answers Select the correct answer ✓ Mass of an object
Complete the wind symbols handout. V: 0 Complete the wind symbols handout. 10 knots Temperature is 30o. Wind speed is 15 knots. Wind direction is out of the north. Mostly cloudy. 5 knots 30 75% cloud cover Broken clouds
Unit Review V: 0 The unit review packet is due Tuesday, Jan. 27.