Mrs.House’s 33rd Grade Neighborhood August 15-19 Dear Parents, We had an excellent first week. The students have learned a lot about 3rd grade expectations and routines. We will continue working on our procedures and routines as we move forward with the curriculum. Tuesday folders will contain your child’s work from the previous week. Please review them with your child, sign, and return within 2 days. If you need them longer to review, please let me know and that will be fine. Your child’s conduct log will also be in their Tuesday folder. Please sign the conduct log and return with the folder. ELA: This week we are reading Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday. The vocabulary terms we are focusing on from the story are: fined downtown rich quarters dimes college nickels SPELLING: This week we are working on words with the VCCV pattern. The students will be quizzed on these words Friday. The words are as follows: happen lettuce sister basket winter monster supper subject MATH: We are introducing multiplication this week. The students will learn about arrays and how to represent multiplication problems using arrays. The students will be expected to know their multiplication facts for 0s and 1s by the end of this week. SCIENCE: The students will be learning about plant and animal parts. They will be assessed on identifying plant parts and their functions. SOCIAL STUDIES: We are learning about the 7 continents and the 5 oceans. The students will be required to label the continents and oceans on a map. *Please send lunch money in a labeled envelope. *If you haven’t paid the $10 technology fee, please send it in as soon as possible.