Overuse of the Fresh Water Supply in the U.S. Carrie Skermont Notre Dame Jr./Sr. High
Using the Steps of the Public Policy Analyst: Define the Problem Gather the Evidence Identify the Causes Evaluate an Existing Policy Develop Solutions Select the Best Solution
Step 1: Define the Problem Problem: Overuse of the Fresh Water Supply in the U.S. Less than 1% of the water on Earth is fresh water that is available for human use. Overuse of this limited water supply causes water sources to dry up which in turn causes problems such as higher concentration of pollutants, loss of habitats, salt water contamination in coastal areas, and the inability to deal with emergency drought situations.
We'll never know the worth of water 'till the well goes dry We'll never know the worth of water 'till the well goes dry. --18th century Scottish proverb
Step 2: Gather the Evidence Evidence for the overuse of the fresh water supply in the United States can be seen in the following case studies from across the country…
Case Study: The Colorado River https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqYcC7j Ee44 Lake Mead is America’s largest reservoir
Case Study on Habitat Loss A report from the Worldwatch Institute shows that many species in North America are being affected in part by the overuse of fresh water causing habitat loss and increased pollution concentrations: Case Study: Atlantic Salmon http://www.beaversww.org/assets/PDFs/Freshwater-Species-at-Risk.pdf
Case Studies of Salt Water Intrusion When water supplies are overused in coastal areas, salt water can intrude on fresh water supplies both on the surface and under ground. http://stateofthecoast.noaa.gov/water_use/g roundwater.html
Step 3: Identify the Causes Fill out the worksheet with the main causes of overuse of the freshwater supply in the United States http://flippedtips.com/plegal/ppas/worksheet3.html Info can be found on the EPA website: http://www.epa.gov/watersense/our_water/w ater_use_today.html
Step 4: Evaluate an Existing Policy One policy that addresses the problem is implemented at the state level by the NYSDEC. It is the Water Conservation Program. Public water systems and facilities must apply for a permit to withdraw water. The application must show that they will be conserving water and using the water efficiently. They must also show that their use of the water will be environmentally sound and economically feasible. Thoughts?
Advantages Disadvantages
Step 5: Develop Solutions In groups, develop a possible solution to the problem of overuse of the fresh water in the United States
Possible Solutions:
Step 6: Select the Best Solution Together we will decide where each possible solution would be placed in the diagram below. Feasibility Low Medium High Effectiveness