Restaurant IT Solutions Team RAT Restaurant IT Solutions
Agenda Project Background System Review Budget Greatest Challenge Overcame Greatest Lesson Learned Conclusion Recommendations (Research, Upgrades, Improvements) Acknowledgements References Q&A
Project Background Small restaurant businesses don't often recognize the value of automation Front-end and back-end both get affected Two main areas that can be improved on Business operations Sales data utilization
System Review Hardware Networking Software Security Server Services
Hardware Desktop Workstation Raspberry Pi 3 Mouse/Keyboard Monitor Router
Networking Router with Private Network Cabled Connections Wi-Fi Desktop Workstation -> Router Router -> SAIT Network Wi-Fi Raspberry Pi -> Router Cloud Services
Software Programming Language – PHP, JavaScript Platform – WAMP Remote Access – TeamViewer / RDP Programming Language – Python Framework - Django
Security Login System Firewall Kiosk Mode Access Control
Server Services Web Services Database Services Backup Services AD Services
Project Cost (Hardware/Software) Budget Item Predicted Costs Actual Costs Project Cost (Hardware/Software) $1652 $1570 Labor Cost $19,500 $22,500 Total Cost $21,284 $24,070
Greatest Challenge Overcame Scope change Time constraints Functionality
Greatest Lessons Learned Keep coding styles consistent Don't be afraid to ask for help Always have a backup plan
Conclusion Budget Schedule Scope Functionality Linux OS Better Time Management/Allocation Scope Complete the deliverables, don't focus on HOW to complete the deliverables Functionality Mobile/Tablet version
Recommendations System Recommendation Hardware Touchscreen displays Networking Cloud Database Security Ports Encrypt Files Refine Access Control Auto Kiosk Mode Software Front-end interface to allow user to adjust menu items (name, price, etc.) Server Services Cloud Service
Acknowledgements Andrew Campbell Gave advice on how to approach the project
References "Bestbuy," [Online]. Available: router/13468673 . [Accessed 15 04 2019]. [Online]. Available: standard.html?gclid=CjwKCAjwndvlBRANEiwABrR32H-3GifOd- 8t31J6WmKIGb2JfMANDPf0B4Rp9WYDQspbo0_cmiOQGBoCt7EQAvD_BwE. [Accessed 17 04 2019]. [Online]. Available: rd_w=mdBxX&pf_rd_p=46cdcfa7-b302-4268-b799- 8f7d8cb5008b&pd_rd_wg=wgQ5g&pf_rd_r=7SX6EGRX4E0V7T0PJQ2W&pd_rd_r=2dc3c3b8-6146- 11e9-aa61-a910d2132542. [Accessed 17 04 2019]. [Online]. Available: HDMI/dp/B00NM76PXY/ref=sr_1_14_sspa?keywords=monitor&qid=1555529010&s=electronics&sr=1- 14-spons&psc=1. [Accessed 17 04 2019].