Highwayman Halted 24th November 1762 Highwayman stopped by The Redcoats. By Luna Abbott Over the past three days, a tragic event occurred in the village of Goostrey. A Highwayman and Bess, the Landlord’s daughter, unfortunately they did not survive. Robbery was caused by the Highwayman. Arrival of The Highwayman The Highwayman was wearing: a French-cocked hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin and a velvet coat. His dark horse was galloping towards the inn of Goostrey. A witness saw the Highwayman tap the window of the inn with his whip. He was trying to grab Bess’ attention. According to Tim, who is an eyewitness, heard the Highwayman boasting to his love – Bess. He said “I’m after a prize tonight” and told Bess he would be back with gold before the morning light. The Highwayman left the building and galloped quickly down the road on his horse. The Redcoats King George and his troop – The Redcoats – entered the building late Saturday night as Bess was in her room. The Redcoats were acting quite boisterous as they were drinking ale. It was reported that they went upstairs and searched every room until they found Bess. When they did, they mocked, gagged and put a musket under her. Bess was stuck and tied up. After hearing the Highwayman’s horse’s hooves she panicked. Making the decision herself, Bess pulled the trigger from under her. TIM told the newspaper that he heard the noise and saw the Highwayman fleeing the other way. “A thought must have popped into the Highwayman’s head because he rode back as fast as possible towards the inn,” exclaimed Tim King George and his troop then caught the Highwayman. He had died on the road he had travelled on. Ghosts Every full moon, it has been reported by villagers of Goostrey, that the Highwayman still clatters along the cobbles of the inn the see Bess, who is plaiting a dark knot in her hair, but in ghostly form. Bess and the Highwayman A picture of the Highwayman.