Year 2 SATS May 2019
Purpose What do SATs mean for my child? What do they look like? How can I help my child?
Key Stage 1 tests Focus on Maths and Reading. There is a grammar and spelling test which are optional. The school will not be doing these in these weeks but may use them to inform judgements for writing later on. Taken at anytime in May – We will be doing them the weeks commencing 13th and 20th May. If needed we will complete them during the week commencing 20th May. Used to support teacher assessment on your child’s progress and attainment in Key Stage 1. No pressure will be placed on children. Teacher’s will make judgements about when to stop a test if needed. All children will be given the opportunity.
Key Stage 1 tests
Reading paper 1
Reading paper 2 Reading booklet Answer Booklet
Maths – Arithmetic paper
Maths – Reasoning paper
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Paper 1 - Spelling Paper 2 – Grammar & Punctuation
Mark Scheme
Children are allowed breaks if they are struggling to concentrate They will complete the tasks in smaller groups so adults can assess them throughout the process and support where needed, for example reading the questions in the maths test or encouraging children to have a go.
Set them up for school as your would on a normal day! How can I help my child? Set them up for school as your would on a normal day! Reassure them that they just need to do their best as they would in any lesson.
How is it reported? We are required to report to parents if they are working towards the expected standard, if children are working at the expected standard or if they are working in greater depth. This judgement will be formed by the teacher using the work in their books and the test score.
Every child is different, for some, they may not reach age related expectations at this point, but this does not mean they won’t in the future. Everyone learns at different rates and we are here to support them to be the best they can be at this point in their learning development.