Poverty In Mexico City Introduce ourselves
The Problem Population 8.8million People in Poverty 4 million Percentage 46.2% Minimum Wage $3.32/ hour Explain the problem- history and why this is a problem- Sophie Poverty as a whole is a global issue. Many people that live in poverty do not have access to water, food and good sanitation. Millions live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own. Poverty occurs because of lack of access to basic supplies and services, such as health care, employment, education and sanitation. We chose Mexico city because of what we have seen first hand. With group members visiting Mexico city and seeing for themselves of how bad this problem of poverty really is. One of the big reasons why there is such poverty within this city is the difference between the rich and the poor and the unequal distribution of wealth, with the gap only getting wider due to the lack of opportunities for the poor. We want to offer more opportunities for the poor, to attempt to decrease this wealth gap that appears throughout Mexico City. Mexico government said that in 2014 the poverty rate of Mexico city rose to 46.2% of people, nearly 4 million people within the city, with around 15,000 children living on the streets. With all the charities that are helping Mexico City, the rate in 2017 was down to 43.2%, not merely enough for the city. Mexico suffer great social inequality and lack of opportunities. With the unemployment rate being only 3.2% in Mexico city, not below the average, it shows the lack of social inequality with income. The minimum wage is $3.32 per hour but the average wage is $1.00 per hour with many working illegally below the minimum wage. This is a problem. Getting paid very low wages, people are struggling to buy food and have shelter for their families. Current charities and organizations that are trying to help within Mexico city are doing a lot of good but for the short term. Supplying people with clean water, nutritious food is great for the short term, but when they run out, they will go back to being in the same poverty as they were before. We want to impact for the long term, we want to leave Mexico city with something that they can reproduce and can be sustainable, instead of just throwing products at them. Like the quote says, “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” All the charities helping are doing amazing work in helping but we want to do something different. We want to have a big impact on the city and reduce poverty rates even more than before. We want to turn Mexico City around. Average Wage $1.00
Entrepreneurship What our company is- entrepreneurial- Brendan _ Sell jewelry and sweatshirts with a maximum price tag of $25. Based on our surveys, the two products that people are willing to buy are jewelry and sweatshirts. _ The products have to be made in Mexico and represent the Mexican culture. _Set up a manufacturing facility in Mexico and employ people. _ The money are used to pay people in poverty and the rest would go to Mosaic/church. _ Entrepreneurship is the way to go because we want to help them for the long term. Teaching people to get their jobs at our manufacturing facility is the sustainable way to eradicate poverty.
Revenue Model Sweatshirt Per 1000 items Cost of Product: Materials $ 7,500.00 Labor $ 75.00 Transportation $ 4,000.00 Packaging $ 100.00 Total $ 11,675.00 Cost Per Item $ 11.68 Sales Cost $ 25,000.00 Products Cost Profit $ 13,325.00 Profit per Item $ 13.33 Jewelry Per 1000 items Cost of Product: Materials $ 35,000.00 Labor $ 51.00 Transportation $ 10.56 Packaging $ 200 Total $ 35,061.56 Cost Per Item $ 35.06 Sales Cost $ 40,000.00 Product Cost Profit $ 4,938.44 Profit Per Item $ 4.94 $25 for Sweatshirt and $40 for Jewelry Make more sweatshirts than Jewelry because of the profit per item Labor (giving the workers in Mexico city a good wage) above the average
Trustworthiness Effectiveness Partnership System analysis Why Flatirons is the best option to go with What Urban Mosaic Does in the community Where we come in What benefit do we ultimately cause Why is partnering important?
Sustainability Social Impact So why do we think this will work and why is our solution sustainable? As we have touched on before, we created a survey to have a better understanding of our stakeholders. This survey gave us a good idea of which product we are going to sell, and how we are going to have the most success with it. We found that the sweatshirt and jewelry would be the most successful products. We know that by selling these products at a competitive price, we will have success with our non-profit. We also interviewed a variety of other stakeholders to understand more about what our partnership will look like, and how well we will be able to produce this product. We talked to Urban Mosaic because we wanted to ensure that we would not be intrusive and have back lash or come in as “big shots” from the US and actually do more harm than good. We also need to gain the trust of the people in Mexico City which is much easier to do when working with a firm that is already established and already has the trust of the people living there. That is how we came up with our solution, by working and discussing not only the best way to help, but how plausible this way actually is. Through our company and partnership with Urban Mosaic and Flatirons we will be helping to decrease poverty in a sustainable way. This means that we will be helping people in Mexico to get jobs, and to train them in the skill sets they need for these jobs. This way, we will work with Urban Mosaic so they can ensure that they are helping the people in poverty in Mexico City in the way we want. This way, Urban Mosaic will help the people in poverty for a while by teaching them and giving them skill-set they need. Urban Mosaic will also find job opportunities and help the people in Mexico to get these jobs, and then when Urban Mosaic leaves, the people in poverty will have a job and become self-sustaining. We will also be making a sustainable social impact. Our solution not only impacts people on a personal level but also on a community and social level as well. Through the money we make as a company, we will be making a long-term difference and we will have a sustainable social impact while helping people get out of poverty. As a team, and a non-profit, we want to focus entirely on the long-term because we feel that that is what is needed in Mexico City.
Through both the creation of our non-profit and our partnership with Urban Mosaic and Flatirons church, we feel we can have a long-term impact on decreasing poverty in Mexico City. Thank you for listening