Enhancing Industry Institute Collaboration Sub-Theme2: Role of Industry in Technical Education B Kanmani Dean-Academics, Professor, Telecommunication Engineering B.M.S. College of Engineering P.O. Box No.: 1908, Bull Temple Road, Bengaluru - 560 019 www.bmsce.in WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Sequence of Presentation An Example: Industry Institute Collaboration Engineering Education in India Collaboration at Course Level Collaboration at the Program Level Collaboration at the National Level Some collaborations that may be discouraged WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
The Well-Rounded Engineer of the 21st Century The collaboration between The Boeing Company and Georgia Institute of Technology The ABET re-defining the parameters for accreditation John H McMasters and Narayanan Komerath, ‘Boeing-University Relations- A Review and Prospects for the Future’, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education, Annual Conference & Exposition, Copyright ASEE 2005, American Society for Engineering Education. Richard M Felder and Rebecca Brent, ‘Designing and Teaching Courses to satisfy the ABET Engineering Criteria’, Journal of Engineering Education, 92(1), 7-25, January 2003 WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Outcomes Based Education: The Program Outcomes Apply Knowledge Problem Analysis 3 Design/Development of Solution Conduct Investigations Use Modern Tool Engineer and Society Environment and Sustainability Professional Ethics Individual and Team work Communicate Effectively Project Management and Finance Life-Long Learning Identical for both Tier-I and Tier-II Institutions Hence, skills from both types of Institutions are identical Industry support in developing the skills WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Collaborations at the Course Level Initiatives by the Course Faculty with the industry expert: Industrial visits Students are taken for a visit to an industry that is related to the course. The visit is followed by a suitable assessment (Quiz/ Seminar presentation/ Report) Partial Delivery of the course Industry expert engaging in partial delivery of a course (4 to 6 hours) The partial delivery is followed by a suitable assessment (Quiz for example) Partial assessment of the course Industry expert engaging in partial assessment of a course (one quiz for example) This exercise may lead to students being selected for internships, mini-project implementation or placement Partial conduction of laboratory session Partial conduction of few laboratory sessions by industry experts Enhances quality and depth of experiments conducted Students are introduced to the importance of experimental data together with the need for precision in recording the observations Explore: One Course every Semester WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Collaborations at the Program Level Few possible methods of collaboration at the Program level: Project guidance Industry support in the major project through: continued guidance or problem formulation or during various stages of the project evaluation Industry supported labs Industry provides laboratory equipment and other infrastructure, while physical space is provided by the institution These laboratories may be integrated into the curriculum or may provide learning experience beyond curriculum. Program Electives Complete Elective Course offered by the industry experts Curriculum design/curriculum gap Contribution to curriculum design for Tier-I Institutions (and identifying gaps in curriculum for Tier-II Institutions Having industry experts as members of academic bodies, like the Board of Studies (BOS) and the Academic Council (AC) Training programs/Finishing school Explore programs of short duration (one week), or long duration (one –two semester) Leading to certification after successful completion of the Publications Research by the faculty and industry expert leading to joint publications or joint patents Joint publication of text books, book chapters, laboratory content, etc. Industry funded projects, pursuing sponsored research that lead to joint publications. Internships Semester break internships for students Faculty internships and training programs The association with industry helps bridge the gap and enhance student learning WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Collaborations at the State/National Level Few possible methods of collaboration at the National level: National level Competitive Examination: Can we explore a National level collaboration by similar industries looking jointly evolve and conduct an examination? Is it possible that this test is open to students from across the country, irrespective of the Institution or the program they pursue? Can performance in this test, be criteria for proceeding to the next round, eventually leading to placements? MOOCs: Can we explore a MOOCs developed by experts from industry, offered through the NPTEL platform or any other platform? Can performance in these industry MOOCs be used as a performance measure and hence lead to employment in select industries that recognize the MOOC? Every student from rural/ urban can have equal opportunity Accreditation: Can we have industry association in the accreditation process? Graduates from accredited programs have an edge during off-campus placements? Can we explore, having an industry expert during accreditation in addition to the present evaluators from the academia? Industry contribution in defining the Program Outcomes (POs) defined by NBA. Similar to The Boeing Company listing the desired attributes of engineers, can we expect a broad framework from the industries India? Contests Today long duration contests like: 24 hour coding contest by IEEE , the 48 hour Digital India Hack-a-thon contest , or make-a-thon or create-a-thon. Can we have industries conduct such contests to test the skills of the students, and recognize the performers, and also lead to placement opportunities in few cases? Can we have contests jointly conducted by the professional bodies and the industries. The collaboration with Texas Instruments and Department of Science and Technology (DST) together with the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore has resulted in the India Innovation Challenge Design Contest Support to the alma-mater All industries contribute to society through their CSR initiative. Can we attempt to ensure that major portion of this CSR of the organization gets into the development of the alma mater of the various administrative heads of the organization (especially their undergraduate program)? The support can financial or in other WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
Collaborations to be discouraged Beta testing of Products Some recognition for the human resource of the institute involved during the testing phase Student Training Programs Additional training for students with on-campus placements However, training to all students on campus is strongly encouraged. Internships translating to offers Ensure that internships supported by the college do not translate into an employment for a selected few Student ideas Sometimes, students participate in State level/National Level contests that have huge prize money. There is a need to have a centre or a department in the institute that formally submits student ideas to the contests being conducted by industry. The centre shall ensure that the right to the idea rests with the institution and does not become the property of the contest organizer. This is because the young minds are huge resource for innovative ideas, and often the students are not aware of their skills themselves. Hence, a formal support by the institution towards ensuring due credit (if applicable), is assured to the student and the institution. WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering
WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering Acknowledgement NBA for opportunity through WOSA NBA for the series of training programs creating awareness in OBE Interactions with various stakeholders of B.M.S. College of Engineering Support extended by TEQIP towards research THANK YOU WOSA-2018, B Kanmani, B.M.S. College of Engineering