TenPlus Marketing The name you can trust
Joining Amount Rs.1,050/- CCM Amount Rs.11,500/- Direct Non working www.tenpluse.com
Income Types TENPLUS MARKETING Matching Income. Smart Matching. Non Working. Fix Income. Club Income Award Reward
Matching Income Rs. 100/- Ratio:- 1 : 1 of each ID. Daily capping :- Rs.2,000/- Daily Closing. Payouts on 10, 20, 30 of the month. TENPLUS MARKETING
Smart Matching Income Rs. 3,000/- Ratio:- 1 : 1 Of CCM. Daily capping :- Rs.15,000/- Daily Closing. Payouts on 10, 20, 30 of the month. TENPLUS MARKETING
Non working Income Sr.no. Repurchase Income 1 180 2 360 3 1+1 603 4 901 5 1+1+1 1800 6 2700 7 3690 8 1+1+1+1 5400 9 7200 10 12600 11 27000 12 1+1+1+1+1 45000 13 72000 14 126000 15 1+1+1+1+1+1 195000 Total 52000/- 5,00,434/-
Fix Income (Star ) 1 gm gold 14 Months. On 3 Directs CCM both on left and right:- 1 gm gold 14 Months. Condition:- Directs must be in 2 weeks
Club Income 5 % of the companies turn over DAILY. Condition:- Must be 2 stars on left and right side each.
Thank you! Tenplus Marketing +91 7499898455 Phone: +91 7499898455 Email: tenplusmarketing24@gmail.com Website: www.tenpluse.com 5/23/2019 ADD A FOOTER