University of Illinois Police Department Welcome WelcomeTo Summer Registration 2006
The U of I Police Department 55 Sworn Police Officers including 55 Sworn Police Officers including K-9 Officers K-9 Officers Motorcycle Officers Motorcycle Officers Bicycle Officers and Bicycle Officers and More….visit our website More….visit our website
University Buildings or Residence Halls Dial Dial Other certified housing or around campus Dial 911 Dial 911 Non-Emergency calls to the police department Emergency Phone Locations Elevators Elevators Outside on round kiosks with blue lights on top of them Outside on round kiosks with blue lights on top of them Parking Garages Parking Garages Bus shelters Bus shelters
Theft is our #1 reported crime on campus High Theft Areas Illini Union Illini Union Libraries Libraries Gymnasiums Gymnasiums Residence Halls Residence Halls Students tend to lay things around in these areas and there is a lot of public traffic. Students tend to lay things around in these areas and there is a lot of public traffic. From Jan-Dec 2005, $435, (an increase of $184, from a year ago) worth of property was stolen from the UI campus area. Most of this total is taken from students and employees. From Jan-Dec 2005, $435, (an increase of $184, from a year ago) worth of property was stolen from the UI campus area. Most of this total is taken from students and employees.
Guard against Theft Always lock windows and doors, even in Residence Halls. Always lock windows and doors, even in Residence Halls. Dont leave items unattended. Dont leave items unattended. Dont leave expensive items visible in your vehicle. Dont leave expensive items visible in your vehicle. Report suspicious activity to 911 – our job is to respond to these calls! Report suspicious activity to 911 – our job is to respond to these calls!
Assault and Battery Be Smart !!! Be Aware !!! Dont be a victim !!! Be Smart !!! Be Aware !!! Dont be a victim !!! Walk in well-lit areas Walk in well-lit areas Try to walk with others in a group Try to walk with others in a group E-phone locations E-phone locations Once again, report suspicious activity to 911 Once again, report suspicious activity to 911
Many Crimes on campus are Alcohol Related Fights Fights Criminal Damage to Property Criminal Damage to Property Underage Drinking Underage Drinking Fake IDs Fake IDs Public Urination Public Urination Carrying Open Alcohol Carrying Open Alcohol These crimes are violations of the Student Code of Conduct. These crimes are violations of the Student Code of Conduct. You could be charged with one of crimes in state court. You could be charged with one of crimes in state court. The City of Champaign also has monetary fines for many of these violations. The City of Champaign also has monetary fines for many of these violations. Stop by our table and pick up a flyer on city fines. These fines range from $145 - $290. Stop by our table and pick up a flyer on city fines. These fines range from $145 - $290.
Each officer is assigned to a focus area such as traffic, housing, quad, North, Central and South campus Housing officers spend time in the residence halls giving safety presentations, doing walk-throughs with staff, and interior/exterior patrol Housing officers spend time in the residence halls giving safety presentations, doing walk-throughs with staff, and interior/exterior patrol It would not be unusual for you to see officers in University Buildings at all hours of the day and night. Officers are there for you to talk with. It would not be unusual for you to see officers in University Buildings at all hours of the day and night. Officers are there for you to talk with.
Traffic Due to the amount of vehicular traffic on campus and the lack of parking spaces available, it is actually much easier to get to class by walking, taking the bus, or riding your bike. Due to the amount of vehicular traffic on campus and the lack of parking spaces available, it is actually much easier to get to class by walking, taking the bus, or riding your bike. If you are going to bring a bike to campus, make sure it is an inexpensive one with a good U-lock. If you are going to bring a bike to campus, make sure it is an inexpensive one with a good U-lock.
Speed limit is generally 25 mph and is strictly enforced at all hours by University and City Police. Speeding ticket $ Speed limit is generally 25 mph and is strictly enforced at all hours by University and City Police. Speeding ticket $ Pedestrian traffic is very heavy during the day. Pedestrian traffic is very heavy during the day. Parking near classrooms is very hard to find. Parking near classrooms is very hard to find. Parking tickets can be up to $ Parking tickets can be up to $ Drivers need to be aware of pedestrian and bike traffic. Having a car on campus is very expensive. Drivers need to be aware of pedestrian and bike traffic. Having a car on campus is very expensive. Pedestrians should obey traffic laws such as crossing the street only at intersections. Pedestrians should obey traffic laws such as crossing the street only at intersections. Jaywalking ticket $ Jaywalking ticket $75.00.
Pedestrian Safety Campus is a High Traffic area especially between 8 am – 5 pm M-F. Campus is a High Traffic area especially between 8 am – 5 pm M-F. Pedestrians should obey traffic laws such as crossing the street only at intersections. Pedestrians should obey traffic laws such as crossing the street only at intersections. Jaywalking ticket $ Jaywalking ticket $ BE AWARE Headphones, cellular phones, etc… Headphones, cellular phones, etc… Alcohol Alcohol Automobile vs. Pedestrian = Injury or Death Automobile vs. Pedestrian = Injury or Death
Dont be Dead Right !!!!!!! Dont be Dead Right !!!!!!! LOOK BOTH WAYS, then LOOK AGAIN LOOK BOTH WAYS, then LOOK AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN & …… & AGAIN & …… Stay Alert………………………. Stay Alive Stay Alert………………………. Stay Alive
Safe – Rides is sponsored by the Mass Transit District (MTD) is sponsored by the Mass Transit District (MTD) You call them and they pick you up at the front door. You call them and they pick you up at the front door. Must show your student ID. Must show your student ID. Again, stop by our booth and pick up literature on the Safe- Rides program. Again, stop by our booth and pick up literature on the Safe- Rides program.
Student Patrol Program Walking escorts: Th-Sat – 9 pm – 2 am Call the University Police Dept. for this service. Act as extra security in conjunction with local police agencies. Student Patrol Officers are hired from among the student body.
Police Departments website Information on: Self Defense Classes Focus Area Officers Crime Statistics Community Policing Information for Parents