PCP – IP Practice
Instructions Portlet Instructions Portlet can be used for allowing PCP users submitting instructions directly into Patricia and updating terms according to said instructions Configuration is based upon Reports, Terms and Batch Jobs This is one of the strongest features for an IP Practice, since this can allow you to use less papers, tedious reports and manual labor Let your customers update their cases straight through the portal!
Instructions Portlet - Report To show information in the Instructions portlet, we need to create a column selection to be used. Done in Report Creator in Red Horse No “real” design is necessary Criteria should be designed to fetch as many cases as possible, since filtering is then done on terms present on case in combination with case access for PCP user
Instructions Portlet - Report
Instructions Portlet – Term Setup In Term Creation under Related Settings tab select “PCP Instructions” checkbox If this term is then present on a case, the case will appear in Instructions portlet Best practice is to set term XX05 in workflows as instruction term
Instruction Portlet – Term Setup
Instructions Portlet – Batch Setup The terms in a workflow which you want to move it to upon instructions needs to have a Batch Job associated Since Batch Jobs are workflow agnostic, this is a fast setup On the Batch Job setup, you specify which job should be associated with which Instruction Type
Instructions Portlet – Batch Setup
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup Column Selection is managed through Instruction Configuration One of the few parts of PCP were configuration is not based on Liferay Roles, but instead Security Groups Security Group should always be set to match the group of which the PCP Connection Login is
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup Available Columns is picking up the columns from the Exported Report However, always comes with 3 Instructions specific Column selections sequence_id – Picks up the Sequence Number from specific term total_price – Generates a sum based off the Work Codes on the term and Price List matching case pcp_status_icon – Separate setup that can be done in PCP to display icons depending on date calculation
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup Selected Columns are by default showing actual column name Can be re-labelled Number of Columns to show has to be filled in, otherwise none will show.
Instructions Portlet – PCP Setup
Instructions Portlet – User View