Today banks are focusing on getting customers back into their branches. Although many alternative ways of banking are available, a large percentage of customers still require and seek a more personalized service at their preferred branch. Being customer service oriented, banks frequently face the problem of lengthy customer queues and unpredictable waiting time, causing tension and stress among both customers and employees which result in efficiency decline. Introduction
What is the Q-Manager? The solution is a queue management system, that enables the confident administration of queues. With the Q-Manager, customers do not stand end to end any more. Instead of standing in long queues, customers may sit down and might learn some useful information concerning the services of the bank. Q-Manager is a Digital Queue Management System that helps banks to manage customer queues efficiently, reduce customer waiting time, allows staff to give better customer service and optimizes your premises.
How does it help the customer? For Customers of the Bank The customer comes up to the ticket dispenser, reads a range of offered services and selects a service. Q Manage prints the ticket with his queue number and data and time of entry. Now the customer may wait until he will be called without bothering himself to stand in line or not worrying about queue jumpers. Assessment of a preliminary waiting time is also an advantage for the customer.
How does it help the Staff? For the Staff While adjusting the system, each service and each counter is identified. With services and counters adjusted in advance, each staff member sees whether there are waiting customers. If there are waiting customers, the staff member pushes a call key to process the customer request.
For the Manager The system records information and its related history on every printed ticket. This data is useful for the managers who care about customer convenience and the efficiency of the staff members. The system provides reports such as: Service wise log Counter wise log Customer wise log Summary Report How does it help the Manager? Branch Manager can identify their VIP / VISHESH Customers and can allocate RFID Cards to such customers. These customers will get priority services at the counters after using their RFID Cards at the Q Management System.
How does it Work? Arriving customers register themselves at the Q manager and takes a numbered ticket for the service he wants. Ticket number is displayed on the screens in numerical order to call next customer for service. Ticket number is displayed not only on the TFT monitors but also on large Seven Segment Displays which can be installed at each counter. Large banks can use multiple Seven Segment Displays for better visibility. If customers do not attend the counter when his ticket number is displayed then Q Manager automatically recalls the numbers after a specific time.
How does it Work? Customer registers at the Q-Manager Takes a printed token and waits his turn Token number called on the Seven Segment Display and on counter display Staff member calls the token number Bank
Q-Manager Components Registration Unit The registration unit is located at the entrance of the branch. The customer selects a service from the panel and the Q-Manager dispenses a printed numbered token with the data and time of entry. Counter Unit Software This software is loaded at the counter terminal and has three different options along with provision for displaying no. of pending customers. Call Counter Software END SKIP Call / Recall customer End Transaction Skip customer who has not attended the call Display Unit This unit displays the current customer token number being called at the respective counter. The Display Unit
Features of Q-Manager Q-Manager is easy to install, simple to configure and is the perfect out-of-the-box solution for your needs. Q Manager fits into any environment and can be easily moved anywhere it is needed to accommodate your changing customer flow. Easy to Install Q-Manager provides important statistical details about the waiting time for customers, processing time for customer transactions, number of customer in a period, processing time taken by particular counter and other efficiency reports. MIS Reports In addition to the display units, Q-Manager provides an audio facility to call the customer token numbers. The use of audio facility is optional and can be turned off if the branch does not desire to use it. Audio Facility in Hindi & English Language Simple and easy-to-use design of all the elements helps to achieve a quick and efficient administration. User Friendly
Features of Q-Manager Q-Manager makes it possible to provide priority services to the VIP or Vishesh customers at the counters. Such customer numbers will be called on priority basis on a specific counter (s). RFID Cards for V.I.P. / Vishesh Customers The token slip printed in Digital Q Management System is in Hindi Language and shows the Token No. and the Service Chosen by the customer along with the respective counter no. allocated to that service. Printing of Token Slip in Hindi / Marathi Language Routine Messages / Greetings / Power point presentations / Video Clippings etc can be generated & displayed at the bottom of the monitor attached to Q Manager. Display of Messages / Power Point Presentation on the Monitor
Features of Q-Manager Support for eight banking services Q-Manager has the capacity to cater to up to eight types of banking services. It can also be customized to provide Single Window Transaction Branch authorities can designated multiple windows for a service from the options provided in the software. This can ensure that there are more counters for services which are more used. Multiple Service Windows If a customer fails to attend the transaction call, Q-Manager automatically recalls such ticket numbers after a certain frequency to ensure that customers can complete their transaction. Unattended tickets are discarded after three transaction calls. Ticket number recall (Optional) Q-Manager is capable of handling and storing of data. If required, the data can be backed-up using a USB pen drive. Memory Module
Advantages in using Q-Manager Better Customer Service Q-Manager provides continuous services to the customers even during peak hours at various service counters. Since customers have a printed ticket number queues are more efficiently managed. This reduces the waiting and service time for customers. Improved Staff Efficiency Q-Manager defines service wise window timings, this restricts the issue of tokens beyond the specified period so that staff members can process existing transaction more efficiently. Reports for increased planning Q-Manager allocates different services to counters and to staff members. The branch authorities can define these services and staff members attending to the service. These numbers a reflected in various reports offered by Q-Manager which helps the branch authorities in planning for the services.
Advantages in using Q-Manager Better Control Over Branch Performance at the counters Digital Q Management System is backed up by Excellent Software features which allow the controllers to have a look at the performance of the branches at the counters without even visiting the branches. The software at the branches creates a data base file which can be ed at the head office / regional office. A special software is provided at the controller offices which read these files sent from the branches and create various MIS reports instantly. These reports gives exact information about the day to day working of the branch at the counters. They are also very useful in knowing no. of customers every branch every day, purpose of customers visit to the branch, their average waiting and transaction time. Also information of each counter like (a) time of first and last transaction at each counter (b) Lunch timings or Non transaction timings etc.
Technical Specifications PC Based Main Unit Operating System : Windows 98 or later Operating Voltage : 230 V AC Power Consumption : 200 W (max.) for 5 counters Four Digit, Seven segment LED display unit for displaying token number with buzzer at the counters Thermal Printer for token printing Provision of connecting up to 30 counters in one unit Size of main unit : 12" x 16" x 18' (LxBxH)
Contact us Digital Innovations 18, Navnirman Society, Pratap Nagar, Ring Road, Nagpur – , Maharashtra Ph: (0712) Mobile Ph: , Fax: (0712)