OWL-S Editor 사용법 충남대학교 컴퓨터전공 김태균
OWL-S Editor (Plug-in for Protégé) http://protege.stanford.edu/ OWL-S Editor (Plug-in for Protégé) http://projects.semwebcentral.org/frs/?group_id=25 <Protégédir>/plugins
새 프로젝트 만들기
OWL-S Editor tab 선택
OWL-S Editor 활성화
Creating an OWL-S Service BravoAir Web Service Search for a flight Select a desired flight Make a reservation
Creating a Service Process Atomic Processes
Defining classes of the service domain ontology
choosing a process class
Parameters of SearchFlight process
Composite Process
BravoAirReservation composite process
Control and data flow in the process graph
Creating a Service Grounding
Creating a Service Profile
Creating a Service
Input/Output/Precondition/Result (IOPR) Manager
Options define the path to the GraphViz defining URLs Semantic Web service registration and matching engines
Importing WSDL Files WSDL2OWLS dialog
Graph Overview Graph Overview of BravoAir Example
Service Execution Interface for input specification and output display of service execution