Use of SQL – The Patricia database
Try to think of the Patricia database in such a way that each table, corresponds to a window/section of Patricia. This is not the full truth always, as there sometimes are more related tables holding some of the information from the view/windows/section of Patricia that you are looking at.
Case Related Tables Primary case table: PAT_CASE Primary column: CASE_ID CASE_ID is the unique identifier for any case in Patricia You can find the Case ID of any case by using Ctrl + Left Click on the Close button on a case
Case Related Tables Case ID can be found in all tables that have information stored related to a case. Primary Case Related Tables: CASTING - The database representation of the Parties tab DIARY_LINE – Generic table which holds identifiers for which diary fields are on a case DIARY_DATE – Holds all the Diary Dates of a case DIARY_TEXT – Holds all non date Diary Fields of a case
Case Related Tables Primary Case Related tables (cont.): DESIGNATED_STATES – Contains each designation of a case PAT_DOC_LOG – Contains entries for documents on a case EVENT – Holds the term information of a case PAT_CASE_PICTURE – Device related information on a case VW_CASE_NUMBER – Holds the full Case Number and Matter ID of a case. This is the table used to find cases using Case Find.
Case Related Tables All the afore mentioned tables contain the CASE_ID column This can then be used to identify entries in any of the tables and link them to a certain case Many of these tables have a so called “foreign key” placed on the CASE_ID column. This means that there cannot exist an entry in e.g. CASTING table, that holds a value in it’s CASE_ID column that does not exist in the PAT_CASE table
Name Related Tables The main table for name records is called PAT_NAMES The main identifier is the NAME_ID column NAME_ID column holds the actual Name Number used in Patricia
Name Related Tables Primary Name Related tables: PAT_NAMES_ENTITY – Holds the “actual” name information of a name record PAT_NAMES_ADDRESS – Holds the address information of a name record NAME_ADD_FIELDS – Holds the Extended Name Information details PAT_NAMES_REF – Holds connection entries of a name record
Maintenance Related Tables Many Case/Name related tables have a corresponding Maintenance table. This is where all the Maintenance configuration are stored.
Maintenance Related Tables Important Maintenance Tables: PAT_CONFIGURATION – This contains all the Basic Configuration value setup PAT_CONF_COMPUTER/GROUP/PERSON_VALUES – These three different tables holds any Basic Configuration setting done on either Computer, Group or Person DIARY_FIELD – All basic information regarding created Diary Fields are stored in this table
Maintenance Related Tables Important Maintenance tables (Cont.): CASE_ROLE_TYPE – The Name Type setup is stored here. STATE_NAME – The Country Label setup is stored here PERSON – This table contains all the Patricia Logins EVENT_SCHEME – General Term setup details are stored here
Maintenance Related Tables Important Maintenance tables (Cont.): TEAM – Team Setup ROLES – Available Roles
Relations Since the Patricia database is built on a so called Relational Database, we are not storing everything in a single table, but instead have split up information across multiple tables and are using relations to identify the connections between these two.
Relations Consider that we want to find all terms of a case, where the term has a certain category and where a certain name number is the applicant. To achieve this, we would need to look into multiple tables in order to find a matching criteria.
Relations If we have a look at the below query.
Relations Let us break the query down row by row: All SQL Queries start with the keyword SELECT and this defines the information that we want to get. This line means “Find us the value of column case_number and the value of column event_scheme_id” Which in Patricia-speak means the actual Case Number and the Term Number.
Relations The next row starts with the keyword FROM. This section defines the tables that we want to use in our query. Whether it is to get information from, or to be used for filtering.
Relations The next section is five rows. They all start with keyword combination of INNER JOIN. This means that we are joining in other tables, based of a common value existing in any already specified table
Relations Let us go through the joins line by line Here we are joining in the table called EVENT based off of the case_id column, existing in both table VW_CASE_NUMBER as well as EVENT. So only records where these two values matches will be returned
Relations Here we are joining in the EVENT_SCHEME table, which is the table containing the maintenance setup for terms. And we are joining this on the EVENT_SCHEME_ID, i.e. Term Number, column existing in both tables
Relations Here we are now joining in the EVENT_CATEGORY table. This table holds the maintenance setup for available Event Categories, that we then can apply on to terms. And here we are then joining this together on the EVENT_CATEGORY_ID column existing in both tables.
Relations Now we are joining in the CASTING table, which holds parties information from a case. This is then joined in on the CASE_ID column existing in both tables.
Relations Here we are joining in the table CASE_ROLE_TYPE, which is the maintenance table containing name type setup. This is then done by matching the ROLE_TYPE_ID column from the CASTING table on the case.
Relations The next line starts with the keyword WHERE, and this defines the section where we will be starting to filter out items. As you might noticed, we joined in far more tables than we were fetching information from, this is because it is necessary if you want to filter on them as well. Here we are now saying, only find me information where the Role Type label is “Applicant”
Relations The next line starts with the keyword AND. This can be used after you started the so called WHERE clause and allows you to add more things to filter on. Here we are saying that we only want information where the Name Number from the parties tab is 50042
Relations And the final line, says that we only want rows where the Term Category Label is “DEADLINE”.
Relations So this is how relations between the different tables work. This was just a short example of relations in the Patricia database, there are many many more.