Customer Insight Report – 3 Major Arts Organisations (VIC) Arts Victoria / Pacific Micromarketing - April 2011 Disclaimer: Pacific Micromarketing has produced this report using data owned by Pacific Micromarketing and third parties. Whilst every care has been taken by the owners of the data to ensure the accuracy of the data within this report, the owners of the data (including the State, Territory and Commonwealth Governments of Australia) do not make any representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and, to the extent permitted by law, the owners of the data disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages) and costs which might be incurred as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.
Contents Background and Objectives Methodology Collective Mosaic Profiles –All Ticket Sales –Single Ticket Buyers –Subscribers / Members Household Overlap: Key Findings IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Background and Objectives Help arts organisations to build a better understanding of their audiences, enabling them to: –develop a more strategic approach to the promotion of the arts, –grow and diversify audiences. Mosaic enables, through its spatial and demographic elements to: –Locate, better understand, and diversify and grow audiences. –Provide a more accurate and total market view. –Inform and direct marketing activities. –Identify opportunities for internal collaboration. –Assist developing partner/sponsorship strategies. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Methodology Three participating major arts organisations in Melbourne provided ticket sales databases: 1.Subscribers/Members 2.Single Ticket Buyers Records on each database were geocoded based on address and filtered so only households within the Greater Melbourne area were analysed. This provides the most accurate regional analysis. Pacific Micromarketings Mosaic segmentation was appended to each successfully geocoded record to provide an aggregate Mosaic Profile of the combined audience. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Collective Mosaic Profiles All Ticket Sales Single Ticket Buyers Subscribers / Members IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Collective Mosaic Profiles All Ticket Sales All Databases Combined IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Proportions - All Ticket Sales Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity make up the largest proportion of the All Ticket Sales database at 20.94%. Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition make up the second largest proportion of the All Ticket Sales database at 19.95%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Data Table - All Ticket Sales Mosaic Groups C – Young Ambition is the most over-represented Group scoring an Index of 223 and a penetration of 4.86%. Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity and Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers are also highly over- represented with Indexes of 197 and 190. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Key Findings Mosaic Profiles For each of the collective databases Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity, Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers and Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition all were highly over-represented. Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity - Educated professional couples - Raising mature families - Live in the wealthiest suburbs.- The highest spending power Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers - Middle-aged, professional families - Preschool and university-aged children - Live in wealthy areas. - Enthusiasts of cultural and sporting events Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition - Educated and young singles/sharers- High-earning - Live in the inner city suburbs.- Over-represented age group of 20 – 34s IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Key Findings – Index Ranks Mosaic Group A –Privileged Prosperity Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition Source: Mosaic e-Handbook IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Proportions - All Ticket Sales Mosaic Type C09 – Bright Futures makes up largest portion of all Mosaic Types within the All Ticket Sales database at 11.54%. Mosaic Type B06 – Informed Affluence makes up the second largest portion at 10.93%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Data Table (150+) - All Ticket Sales The table above shows the Mosaic Types with an Index score over 150. Mosaic Type A01 – Portfolio Management is the most over-represented Type scoring an Index of 475 and a penetration of 10.34%. Mosaic Type A02 – Studied Wealth is the second most over-represented Type scoring an Index of 317 with a penetration of 6.91%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Collective Mosaic Profiles Single Ticket Sales IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Proportions – Single Ticket Sales Mosaic Groups C – Young Ambition makes up the largest proportion of the Single Ticket Sales database at 20.92%. Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity makes up the second largest portion at 19.23%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Data Table – Single Ticket Sales Mosaic Groups C – Young Ambition is the most over-represented Group scoring an Index of 234 and a penetration of 3.62%. Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity and Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers are also highly over-represented with Indexes of 181 and 178 IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Proportions - Single Ticket Sales Mosaic Type C09 – Bright Futures makes up largest portion of all Mosaic Types within the Single Ticket Sales database at 12.05%. Mosaic Type B06 – Informed Affluence makes up the second largest portion at 10.28%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Data Table (150+) - Single Ticket Sales Mosaic Type A01 – Portfolio Management is the most over-represented Type with an Index Score of 393 and a penetration of 6.08%. Mosaic Type A02 – Studied Wealth is the second most over-represented Type scoring an Index of 275 with a penetration of 4.26%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Collective Mosaic Profiles Subscribers and Members IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Proportions – Subscribers / Members Mosaic Groups A – Privileged Prosperity makes up the largest proportion of the combined Subscribers database at 25.14%. Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers trails closely behind at 22.62%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Data Table – Subscribers / Members Mosaic Group A – Privileged is the highest over-represented Group scoring an Index of 237 and a penetration of 1.49%. Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers and Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition follow closely behind with Indexes of 219 and 197. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Proportions - Subscribers / Members Mosaic Type B06 – Informed Affluence makes up the largest portion of the Mosaic Types in the Subscribers database at 12.54%. Mosaic Type A02 – Studied Wealth makes up the second largest portion at 11.78%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Index Scores - Subscribers / Members Mosaic Type A01 – Portfolio Management is the most over-represented Type scoring an Index of 675 and a penetration of 4.26%. Mosaic Type A02 – Studied Wealth is the second most over-represented Type scoring an Index of 419 and a penetration of 2.64%. While Mosaic Type I34 – Off the Beaten Track are over-represented with an Index of 217, their Normalised Index shows that the sample size (4) is too small for confidence in this over-representation. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Household Overlap: Key Findings All organisations have households on their databases that are also found on other organisations databases. In total there are a collection of 6,018 households (19.7%) found on more than 1 database. The Mosaic Profile of the duplicate households shows that the Mosaic Group A – Privileged Prosperity is the most over-represented group However, Mosaic Type B06 – Informed Affluence (12.46%) and Mosaic Type C09 – Bright Futures (11.90%) make up the largest portion of all Mosaic Types of the duplicate households. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Group Proportions – Duplicate Households Mosaic Groups A – Privileged Prosperity makes up the largest proportion of duplicate households at 23.45%. Mosaic Group B – Academic Achievers and Mosaic Group C – Young Ambition trail closely behind at 21.55% and 21.35% respectively. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
Mosaic Type Proportions - Duplicate Households Mosaic Type B06 – Informed Affluence makes up the largest portion of all Mosaic Types of the duplicate households at 12.46%. Mosaic Type C09 – Bright Futures makes up the second largest portion of all Mosaic Types at 11.90%. IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE
How to Read a Mosaic Profile 1.The name given to each classification type 2.Number of households/population/adults 18 and over within each classification type 3.Penetration % is calculated based on the target volume divided by the base volume 4.The Normalized index is similar to the index but takes volume into account. 5.The Index compares the percentage of each type in the customer file against the percentage of each type in the base population. The index is the means by which each type is determined to be over- or under-represented within the base profile. An index of 100 occurs where the target % is the same as the base % and therefore the proportion of customers in the profile within this type is said to be average. For the Normalized Index, the average value is zero, so any indices above zero is over represented by the target group and any index less than zero is under represented by the target group IN STRICT COMMERCIAL CONFIDENCE