By Yiohmara Martinez Aguirre, Ayaka Ohara, and Imraa Omar Racial Equality By Yiohmara Martinez Aguirre, Ayaka Ohara, and Imraa Omar
Issues People of all ages get judged for their culture People have been taking action for years and not much has changed (U.S.) In order to have some sort of equality, there has been petitions & protests that have threatened people lives. Slaves were abused and marriage was controlled by the slave owners. People (mostly minority groups) are not shown as equal
Who is involved? Where is it happening? Racism happens all around the world Racism usually happens to the minority groups Racism has been around for the last 500-1000 years It also happens in a workplace
How is it happening? Racism happens in many different ways, sometimes it is just by mouth, other times, it is much more violent. Arizona’s Police violated citizens rights by conducting raids and traffic stops that targeted Latinos based on race. Studies show that MCSO (Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office) officers were between four and nine times more likely to stop a Latino driver than a non-Latino driver
How is culture involved? Racism splits people into groups that have to do with historical patterns of oppression. These groups create cultures, and groups with thriving cultures are difficult to repress. There are cultures with different beliefs that other people don’t believe in so they judge you for it.
Bibliography “Culture and Racism.” Culture And Racism, content/uploads/zinstructionals/www/znet_race_instructional5.htm. Gallow, Lauren. "Racial Profiling." Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society, ABC- CLIO, 2017, Accessed 10 Oct. 2017. May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent. “Racial Inequality in UK: The Appalling Reality of How a Briton's Ethnicity Affects Their Chances of a Good Life.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 10 Oct. 2017, audit-government-report-theresa-may-bme-black-ethnic-minority-a7992016.html. “Racism.” Anti-Defamation League,, 10 Oct. 2017, “Today.” A History of Racial Injustice - Equal Justice Initiative,