3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Open the CEREC 3.60 inLab software and click on the Connect icon.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Enter your User Name and Password in the Internet Portal Access box.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Locate the file that you are wanting to download and click on the View hyperlink.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import After clicking on view the Restoration Data tab will open. Here you will find the restoration information for the case. It will display the patient name, restoration type, material that is to be used and the stump and final shade. The model will also indicate the tooth number by displaying it in a highlighted blue. Once familiar with the data, click Next Step to proceed.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import The Desired Lab tab will now display, information listed here will indicate your lab name and also the Return Date the case should be done by. Click on the Next Step icon at the bottom right to continue.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import In the Additional Notes tab you will find the patients gender and age along with any patient photos that may have been sent. Also you will have any Additions Instructions the office may have for this case. Click Next Step to continue.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Before clicking on the accept or reject buttons at the bottom, click on the hyplerlink for the restoration file that was sent. The file will download and open so it can be determined which button to select after the file is reviewed.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import After clicking on the restoration file hyperlink the download progress box will display. We recommend to check mark the box to Automatically Close After Successful Download.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import When the download is complete, it will load the file automatically. At this step, click on the appropriate active buttons in your view box to check the different models that are present for the restoration. After viewing the images and the model, click on the green arrow, it will bring us back to the order form so we can accept or reject the case.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Once the green arrow is clicked it will bring you back to the Accept/Reject Order tab. At this point click on the Accept or Reject button. There is a Your Comments text box located on this screen, if the file is accepted enter in any comments you have for the office. If you have chose to reject the order, indicate here why it was rejected. After you accept or reject the case an email will automatically be sent to the office stating if it has been accepted or why it has been rejected.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import If Accept is selected it will confirm the order has been accepted and will give you two hyperlinks to click on, Work Ticket and the Restoration File. Click on the work ticket so it can either be saved or opened to be printed. The work ticket has the patient, restoration and additional notes information pertaining to the case.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import When the Work Ticket hyperlink is chosen, click on Open if you want to view the ticket, here you will have an option to print. Click on Save if you would like to save it to a location and view it at a later time.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import This is an example of the work ticket. Included is the information entered in by the dental office when filling out the different tabs.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import If you were to reject the order, this sAgaincreen would appear., this screen only appears if you reject the order. Click Close or the Go Back To Your Order List hyperlink button.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import After printing or saving the work ticket, close out of the .pdf file and you will be back to the accepted order screen. Click the hyperlink of the Restoration File to begin working on the case.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import The restoration will will display and it will enter the patient information into your patient list, click OK to continue.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Taking information from the work ticket, select the Restoration type, Design Technique and select the Tooth Number on the model. Click OK.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import The restoration file will load to where the Doctor left off before they clicked on the connect button to send. They will be trained to draw the margin and then click connect, so it should show a drawn margin line in a magenta color when it loads. Rotate the model around to confirm the margin has been drawn correctly and has not fallen off anywhere. If the margin is correct, double click somewhere on the magenta line, it will now turn blue.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Make any edits to the margin if needed, do not be too critical, the automatic finder is more accurate than manual edits. When the margin line is correct green arrow forward.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Make any edits to the margin if needed, do not be too critical, the automatic finder is more accurate than manual edits. When the margin line is correct green arrow forward.
3.60 CEREC Connect Lab Import Redefine the insertion axis so you are looking straight down onto the prep and you do not see one side more than another. Make sure you can see the margin all the way around. After redefining the insertion axis proceed as usual to create the restoration.