TODAYS SITUATION IN LUXEMBOURG FOR COMMUTERS For Luxembourg CITY > JOBKAART free for personnel (cost for COM = value = 16.7 EUR/month/person) For Luxembourg COUNTRY > OEKOPASS 45 EUR/month already includes CITY > no interest in jobkaart For abroad: international ticket includes border tax and all Luxembourg country (for Belgians) > no interest in jobkaart CONCLUSION: JOBKAART USEFUL ONLY FOR PEOPLE LIVING IN LUXEMBOURG CITY
TODAYS SITUATION IN LUXEMBOURG Luxembourg's government provides a scheme (M PASS) with reduced ticket prices covering Luxembourg COUNTRY for Administrations. A yearly renewable convention has to be signed with Transport Ministry. Costs depends of quantities ordered : if more than 200 M Pass: 320 EUR/year = 26.7 EUR/month
TODAYS SITUATION IN BRUSSELS Commission reimburses to the civil servants: 50% of MONTHLY ticket up to 60 km (city and train) under the condition to give up parking place. MAX VALUE REIMBURSMENT is 137 EUR*50% = 68 EUR/month A PARKING SPACE AT COM. COSTS > 68 EUR/month. CONCLUSION: For Luxembourg, a M PASS is CHEAPER that what colleagues from Brussels can get, than the parking space costs.
PROPOSAL LUXEMBOURG FREE MONTHLY COUNTRY TICKET (M PASS) with condition to give up parking space. COST FOR COMMISSION = Subsidy of the Lux Government = M-PASS 26,7 EUR/month by person (if order of 200 M-PASS minimum) instead of presently 16.7 EUR. CONCLUSION: M PASS would cost only 10 EUR/month more than today jobkaart AND would be useful for all colleagues commuting in Luxembourg country.
PETITION FOR FREE M PASS A PETITION for the purposes explained previous slides was signed by 335 colleagues: ELECTRONIC: 123 signatures, PAPER : 212 signatures.
REQUEST LUXEMBOURG Presently, the border ticket Kleinbettingen – Sterpenich costs 34 EUR/month (similar situation for France and Germany). For international commuters, we would appreciate if you could negotiate with the Luxembourg government the possibility to use the M PASS up including the border points.