8Y Objectives: Describe political and social developments during WWII.


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Presentation transcript:

8Y 4-15-2015 Objectives: Describe political and social developments during WWII. Agenda: Do now: Thank you Letter Fill in graphic organizer with information from the reading and video clips

Do Now: Thank you letter for Chromebooks Please write a testimony of how the Chrome books have been beneficial in your learning so far. This will be sent to the people who gave us the grant to purchase the Chrome books. Start a new document and give it a title “Thank You from yourname” Please try to include the following in your letter: To Mr. Schulze Expression of gratitude for supporting our Created for Greatness leadership program Specific ways and examples of how the Chrome book has been useful to your learning so far and how it has helped your leadership skills/discipline/love of learning/motivation/knowledge, etc How you plan to use your leadership in the future Thank him for being a good example of virtuous leadership: generosity and helping you develop your talents. Share with SrMaryJuliana and Camille Kiolbasa

Page 814 1A. How did people on the home front support the war effort? 1B. What government agency oversaw factory production during the war? .

Predict What is ideology? Predict: How did WWII change America?

The Home Front War Economy Women African Americans Mexican Americans Japanese American

Why were Japanese Americans motivated to fight for America in WWII despite internment?