AEI where DG AGRI is in the lead


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Presentation transcript:

AEI where DG AGRI is in the lead Thierry Vard Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development Eurostat Working Group AEI Statistics 11-12-2008

List of indicators 1. Agri-environmental commitments 12. Intensification / Extensification 14. Risk of land abandonment 23. High nature value farmland 24. Production of renewable energy

AEI 1: UAA under AE commitments Areas under agri-environment commitments is an output indicator being part of the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework of the Rural Development policy This indicator is submitted by the MSs on an annual basis at programme level (88 programmes for the current programming period) Some programmes are national (19 MSs), others are regional: FR(6), DE(14), ES(17), IT(21), FI(2), UK(4), BE(2), PT(3) In the previous programming period 2000-2006, data in some countries shows double counting problem (more than 100% of the UAA is reported as committed in those MSs)

AEI 1: UAA under AE commitments EEA initiative: compilation of AE scheme data from EU MS The EEA has compiled AE scheme data for the 2000-2006 period directly from EU Member States This was carried out with the help of consultancy support and addressed relevant national authorities Data need to be compared with those held by DG AGRI and validated with help of MS themselves Validated data to be used in updating the IRENA fact sheet for the 2000-2006 period

AEI 1: UAA under AE commitments In the 2007-2013 period, two indicators are collected to deal with the double counting issues : Total area committed which double counts areas overlapping several AE commitments Physical area under AE commitments which is the net area committed in AE without any double counting The 2007 data is under analysis but the implementation has been weak during this starting year due to the late approval of the programmes However, many AE commitments taken under previous 2000-2006 regulation are still running in 2007.

AE 12: intensification / extensification Base = IRENA indicator N°15: Intensity at regional level based on the use of input per ha UAA Inputs considered : (purchased) fertilisers, pesticides, animal feed Source: FADN Estimate IRENA: situation in 2000 and development 1990 – 2000 Update = situation in 2005 and development 1995 - 2005. Methodology : attempt to evaluate the development of inputs use in volume rather than in current values


AE 12: intensification / extensification First results: Need to cross-check the calculation made in IRENA : was it covering all inputs or was it limited to crops inputs (fertilisers and pesticides) as another sub-indicator (livestock density) covers livestock sector.

AEI 12: crops inputs – at current prices

AE 12: intensification / extensification First results: It seems that the assessment in IRENA was actually limited to fertilisers and pesticides. Incorporating feed cots per ha gives a slightly different pictures

AEI 12: all inputs – at current prices

AE 12: intensification / extensification First results: It seems that the assessment in IRENA was actually limited to fertilisers and pesticides Incorporating feed cots per ha gives a slightly different pictures Change in volume is done by dividing the current series by prices index development from Eurostat prices series. Prices index have been deflated by the GDP price index (whereas deflated series of Eurostat use the Harmonised Consumer Price Index to produce monthly series).

AEI 12: crops inputs – in volume

AEI 12: all inputs – in volume

AEI 14: Risk of land abandonment Need of conceptual and technical development Modelling approach combining socio-economic data with an assessment of the risk of land abandonment JRC has made a first study – to be assessed No precise timetable / action plan

AEI 23. HNV farmland Guidance document to the MS on the application of the CMEF impact indicator on HNV: state of play Developed as part of DG AGRI guidance documents to the MS for the evaluation of RD measures/programmes Based on a study committed by DG AGRI in 2006: Finalised in November 2008 in consultation with DG ENV, JRC, EEA To be presented to the MS on 15/12/2008 Expected to be published by the end of the year on:

AEI 23. HNV farmland Overall objectives of the CMEF impact indicator on HNV: To fully cover the extent of HNV areas (farmland and forestry), including HNV features To permit the assessment of changes in HNV farmland and forestry areas as well as the assessment of the Nature Value (quality) of these areas on regular basis To support the assessment of the changes in farmland and forestry HNV induced by RD measures through changes in farming and forestry management practices

AEI 23. HNV farmland Proposed approach for the establishment and application of the CMEF impact indicator on HNV: Relates to HNV farming (to include features) and forestry HNV farming identified through an integrated approach including land cover, farming characteristics and species data. Four methodological steps: Identification of main types of HNV farming and forestry Assessment of the extent of HNV farming and forestry through appropriate indicators Monitoring changes in the extent (through indicators under 2) and condition (through sample surveys of farming practices and biodiversity) of HNV farming and forestry Applying the CMEF indicator in the context of the RD programme

AEI 23. HNV farmland Development of the AEI HNV farmland indicator: In the short term: the updating of the indicator will follow the updating of the indicator data sets developed by the JRC/EEA (including the integration of agronomic farm level data based on FADN) In the medium/long term: given its policy relevance, DG AGRI is in favor of developing this indicator in view of reflecting the approach followed for the establishment of the impact indicator (including features and condition/quality issues). This would imply further conceptual work, as well as the refinement of data collection mechanisms (e.g. in the context of the farm structure surveys)

Input data: CORINE2000 Stratified rules per Country and Environmental Zone + expert rules

Selected sites from EU wide biodiversity databases Prime Butterfly Areas Input data: Selected sites from EU wide biodiversity databases Natura2000 Important Bird Areas

Input data: national inventories Estonia Semi-natural plant communities England Habitat inventories Sweden semi-natural meadows and pastures

AEI 24. Production of renewable energy Not yet mature – problem with data sources Sources = Eurostat : energy statistics and FSS / DG AGRI : administrative sources and modelling / Various professional sources (EU Observ’ER, EBB, EBIO, etc) Main indicator: Primary energy from crops & by-products, as a share of total energy production Sub-indicators: Area of energy crops (bio-diesel crops, ethanol crops and short rotation forestry) Supported areas for renewable energy

AEI 24. Production of renewable energy Expected developments: to define a methodology taking into account changes: in policy (no more support for energy crops regime and for non-food production), in technology (second generation biofuels) in information availability (EU Observ’ER for production, new Directive on Renewable Energy)