Risk Adjustment User Group April 2008
Welcome to the April User Group Introduction Payment Process Operations Update Data Validation Technical Assistance Update Questions and Answers Closing
INTRODUCTION User Group Process All attendees must pre-register It is only necessary to register once Retain unique PIN for all sessions Session will last for one hour Session slides will be available by the Tuesday before the session Panel will answer questions during the Q&A portion of the session
INTRODUCTION The 2008 monthly Risk Adjustment User Group Notes and Q & A documents will be posted at: www.csscoperations.com. Please continue to review the CSSC website for updates to this information.
PAYMENT PROCESS Announcement of Calendar Year (CY) 2009 Medicare Advantage Capitation Rates and Medicare Advantage and Part D Payment Policies 2009 Final Estimate of the Increase in the National Per Capita MA Growth Percentages Recalibration of the CMS-HCC Model Recalibrated Frailty Factors Frailty Adjustment Transition for PACE Normalization Factors Budget Neutrality ESRD Bidding and Payment 2007 CMS Audits 2009 Risk Adjustment Factors
PAYMENT PROCESS Notices: Final (April 7, 2007): http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicareAdvtgSpecRateStats/Downloads/Announcement2009.pdf Advance (February 22, 2008): http://www.cms.hhs.gov/MedicareAdvtgSpecRateStats/Downloads/Advance2009.pdf
PAYMENT PROCESS Risk scores and frailty posted to HPMS on Friday, April 11, 2008 Recalibrated Part C Risk Scores for Development of 2009 Bids Frailty Factors for Development of 2009 Bids Part C Current Model Risk Scores (FFS Normalized) Part D Risk Scores for Development of 2009 Bids
DATA VALIDATION Calendar Year 2007 Sampling expected to begin April 2008 MA notification of selection in May/June 2008
DATA VALIDATION Calendar Year 2006 IVC and SVC medical record reviews are complete Data analysis and quality assurance of the results are in progress
DATA VALIDATION Calendar Year 2005 March 6th: mailed risk adjustment data validation (RADV) findings to selected MA organizations March 12th: held RADV teleconference April 1st: released post-teleconference Q&A document
DATA VALIDATION Calendar Year 2005 (cont’d) May 6th: Appeals submission deadline May use sample appeals letter included in March 6th RADV Findings mailing Submit questions as indicated in the RADV Findings mailing Please “cc” CMS Project Officer when submitting appeals
OPERATIONS Should plans submit duplicate diagnosis clusters for the same date of service that overlap another submission? There is no system limitation that would reject this type of scenario in the RAPS processing system. However, please note that the diagnosis code will be counted only once towards your risk adjustment factor.
OPERATIONS To Illustrate: 1st diagnosis cluster submitted with DOS from 03/05/08 through 03/05/08. 2nd diagnosis cluster submitted with DOS from 03/05/08 through 03/15/08. The RAPS system will accept both submissions. Some plans ask why this scenario would not generate a 502 error.
OPERATIONS CMS defines a duplicate diagnosis cluster as one that shares all of the following attributes and has been previously submitted and stored in the RAPS database. HIC Number Provider Type From Date Through Date Diagnosis Code The reason a 502 error would not be generated in the scenario presented is because the“through date” is different (assuming that all other attributes are the same).
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE UPDATES 2008 Monthly Technical Assistance Sessions Risk Adjustment Session April 30th Enrollment & Payment Session May 28th Register today at www.tarsc.info
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE UPDATES Next User Group Session May 14, 2008 Sessions held on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
REGIONAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SESSIONS Registration Is Now Open! CHICAGO, IL August 11 – August 14 LAS VEGAS, NV August 26 – August 29 NEW ORLEANS, LA September 9 – September 10
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE UPDATES *For detailed information and to register online log on to www.tarsc.info Technical Assistance Registration Service Center
RESOURCES Sean Creighton (Director, Division Risk Adjustment Operations) sean.creighton@cms.hhs.gov Henry Thomas (Training, Project Officer) henry.thomas@cms.hhs.gov Lateefah Hughes (Data Validation, Team Lead) lateefah.hughes@cms.hhs.gov Louis Johnson (FERAS, Risk Adjustment Coordination) louis.johnson@cms.hhs.gov Chanda McNeal (Payment Issues) raf_payment_questions@cms.hhs.gov LTC www.tarsc.info CSSC www.csscoperations.com