ANNUAL TITLE I MEETING Swanson Elementary FY18 You can login as a guest to view our current Title I Action Plan at Use this guest login information for both the username and password: guests10584 Swanson Elementary FY18
TITLE I TEAM MEMBERS Mrs. Johnston – Principal in charge Cheryl Nichols – Parent Partner coordinator Parent members:
WHAT IS TITLE I? It's not just free money! "Title I supports programs in schools and school districts to improve the learning of children from low-income families."
HOW IS TITLE I ELIGIBILITY DETERMINED? Census estimates from low-income families Percentage of low-income families using free and reduced lunch
REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE I SCHOOL-WIDE PROGRAM Must support academic & behavior goals Must be spent through parent input Must be backed by data, reviewed, and documented
WHAT DOES SWANSON RECEIVE? For FY16 (2015-16) $112,560.00 For FY17 (2016-17) $109,065.00 For FY18 (2017-18) $101,035.00 2017/18- funding down from last year Purchased Chromebooks, cart, instructional materials for more focused instruction, conference fees, training materials for teachers, student activities
HOW DOES SWANSON USE FUNDS? For FY18 (2017-18) actual dispersal $101,035.00 Instruction – $70,375.00 Parent involvement – $3,500.00 Professional development - $10,656.00 Student activity time - $16,502.00
PARTICIPATION IN TITLE I PROGRAMS MEANS PROVIDING… program & curriculum descriptions Journeys (reading) & Go Math (math) our Title I plan is linked to our school website information on assessments we use to determine needs AIMSweb, CPAA, MPG, & MAP information on student targets is on our school website a timeline for when you will be informed of your child’s progress Parent Conferences – October 30th & February 16th
PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY Elements included in policy Meetings Compact Communications Parent Involvement Improve student performance Provide information on standards, testing, curriculum
OPPORTUNITIES FOR PARENTS TO PARTICIPATE Being a part of our Title I team Help make decisions and plan use of funds and events Volunteering in our school during various family events or student learning activities
PARENTS RIGHTS… Request regular meetings with staff Participate in making suggestions and decisions in relation to educating your child Request qualifications of your child’s teacher Submit written comment on the school-wide program plan
ACCESS MORE INFORMATION All information is on our Swanson Elementary website, “Resources” tab Email or call: Cheryl Nichols - 861-5317