Phylum Chordata Subphylum Urochordata Subphylum Cephalochordata Vertebrata tunicates lancets Agnathans Fish Sharks tetrapods
Characteristics of Chordates
Possible evolution of 1st fish lancelet Proto-vertebrate Tunicate larvae Adult tunicate
Early Chordate ancestor may have given rise to 1st vertebrate Pikaia Burgess Shale Fauna Cambrian 540-500 mya
General Features Shared by Chordates: Eukaryote Multicellular Bilateral- deuterstomes Heterotrophic
Phylum Chordata Subphylum Urochordata - Tunicates Class Ascidiacea - Sea Squirts Solitary e.g. Styela montereyensis Colonial - in groups but with own tunic Compound Colonial - colonial with shared tunic Class Thaliacea - Salps (free swimming), planktonic Class Larvacea - Gelatinous house, planktonic
Subphylum Urochordata tunicate
Subphylum Urochordata = tunicate Tunicate - also called 'sea squirt' notochord is confined to the tail notochord is lost during metamorphosis into sessile adult possess pharyngeal slits Repro- sexual (hermaphroditic) & asexual (budding)
Tunicate Adult Anatomy
Tunicates: Free swimming larva: notochord present only in free-swimming larvum notochord does not extend into head larvum is free-swimming but non-feeding adult is sessile filter feeder Settled larva: Settle after brief free-swimming larvum existence. Attaches at anterior end. Metamorphosis begins. Body turns 1800. Tail, notochord, dorsal nerve cord, disappear.
Class Larvacea - planktonic Oikopleura
Class Larvacea - Gelatinous house, planktonic Jelly-like house Oikopleura Marine snow
Class Thaliacea - Salps (free swimming), planktonic Pyrosoma- bioluminescent Colonial salp
Class Ascidiacea - Sea Squirts
Subphylum Cephalochordata lancet Strictly marine Live buried in sand with head sticking out Filter feeders
Lancet Anatomy