Shocking Discovery About God Revealed! Understand Jesus’ mind-blowing response to religious leaders- and apply it in today’s world! How HE treats sinners- you’ll be surprised! Hear how the ‘perfect people’ of the day reacted! In only 45 minutes, at home with your coffee, you can understand more about God than most ‘church-goers’. Turn this card over to listen- be shocked by what you hear!
You probably know the story of the woman accused of adultery- but maybe you’ve never heard it clearly explained. How does that true story apply to us today? What timeless truths can we understand about God? What did Jesus write on the ground? The woman was forgiven- do you and I need forgiveness? Do you think God hates you because of your sin? Are you afraid to go to church because everyone else there seems perfect? In this inspiring analysis by Pastor Tommy Clayton of GraceLife Church, you will hear the truth about God through this woman’s encounter with Jesus. Three ways to hear this amazing story: Scan this QR code with any smart phone scanning app Go to and look for the January 3, 2016 posting 3. Download the audio directly at Listen Postage Required if mailed Deliver to: Live in Deltona, Orange City, DeLand, DeBary, or Lake Helen? Want to worship with REAL people who suffer disappointment, challenges in life, and struggle daily with the world and sin? Listen to this sermon (above) from one of our pastors to see if GraceLife should be your new church home. Come for a visit- we don’t want your money. And there is no pressure. Check it out! Visit Come hear more Sunday morning at 10AM at Deltona High School, 100 Wolf Pack Run, Deltona, FL 32725 To all who mourn...and need comfort, to all who are weary...and need rest, to all who feel worthless...and wonder if God cares, to all who fail...and need strength, to all who sin...and need a Savior, to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness... and to whoever else will come... GraceLife Church opens wide her doors in the name of Jesus Christ and offers welcome. Tommy Clayton and Jeff Eckert, Pastors Accepted