STATUS (structure): STATUS (structure): 157 resolved flat-spectrum radio sources 61 sources rejected 12 CSO/MSOs 1 MSO candidate must be at z<0.09 83 sources left 12 have part of available data reduced 19 have no data reduced yet STATUS (structure): 4 anybody’s guess 4 probable core-jets 2 probable FRIIs 1 probable MSO 1 MSO 52 have all data available reduced STATUS (structure): 5 anybody’s guess 17 probable core-jets 2 probable FRIIs 13 probable CSO/MSOs 2 MSOs (if z<0.14; z<0.3) 4 core-jets 2 FRIIs (25 kpc; 570 kpc) 7 CSO/MSOs (two: 3.3 kpc; 13 kpc)