Conspiracy Theory Project Directions Compelling Picture with Title Background/History (3-5 Slides) Official Account of the Event (3-5 Slides) Conspiracy (3-5 slides) Video if possible (<5 minutes)
Title of Conspiracy Name: Period: Compelling picture of Conspiracy
Background/History (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Background/History Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Background/History Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Official Account of the Event (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Official Account of the Event (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Official Account of the Event (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Conspiracy (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Conspiracy (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Conspiracy (3-5 Slides) Facts in bullet point format and/or pictures with captions
Video (<5 minutes)