Update on large carnivores work NADEG meeting 23 May 2018
New contract on the continuation of support for the EU Stakeholders’ PLATFORM (signed on 18 December 2017) New contract to support the establishment of regional/local platforms (signed on 28 December 2017) New call for tender for further support to regional/local platforms (2nd half 2018)
Committee of the Regions: Opinion on promoting coexistence with conflict species (31 January 2018) EP Conference on Achieving coexistence with LC in the EU and study on best management practices for the Petition Committee on (7 March 2018)
LIFE WOLFALPS project – Final Conference in Italy-Trento: 18-20 April 2018 New LIFE project EUROLARGECARNIVORES (2017-2022)
EP Conference on wolf presence in the EU on 15 May 2018 5th Annual meeting of the EU stakeholders Platform on 29 May 2018