Tudor Food By isabel
A few facts about Tudor Food Tudors had a type of food called surprise pie: it had live frogs inside it! They had different spellings to some food-related words* They had whole animals just for starters! Before Henry VIII came along, you were not allowed to eat meat on Friday and quite often Wednesday either, because England was a Catholic country. There was hardly any fresh water so they drank ale instead, which meant quite a lot of people were a little bit drunk a lot of the time. One of the things they did not eat was potatoes because they weren’t introduced to this country until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. It is vital that you Tudor food** because then you can swallow da food! * Two of the words that they spelled differently were boiled (boyled) and pig (pygge). ** ‘Chew da food’ – geddit?
How the Tudors cooked Here is some Tudor kitchen equipment
What the Tudors actually ate In the photo below you can see a small model of a Tudor lunch. It includes: A whole boar’s head A roast chicken A flavoured jelly A deer-shaped loaf A Tudor Rose pudding A peacock pie