Determination of the characteristics of SNM-17 type neutron counters Summer practice Determination of the characteristics of SNM-17 type neutron counters Instructor: A. V. Churakov (FLNP, JINR) Student: Vojtech Bula (Czech Technical University in Prague) JINR, 2007
Principles of thermal neutrons registration with gaseous counters 3He+n = 3H + p + 0.77 MeV 10B+n = 7Li + 4He + 2.78 MeV (7%) = 7Li*+4He + 2.30 MeV (93%)
Experimental Setup
Counting response cascade ionisation plateau
Amplitude spectrum 0.77 MeV 3He+n = 3H + p + 0.77 MeV
Results: 1. Counting response: plateau 1350 – 1730 V 2. Recommended HV: 1400 V 3. Energetic resolution (@0.77 MeV): 7.5%