Write down everything you know about Earths Atmosphere
Characteristics of the Atmosphere (ATM) The atmosphere is a mixture of gases that surrounds Earth Earth has a unique ATM – no other planet in the solar system has an ATM with the exact mixture of gases
Composition Gases 78% Nitrogen 21% Oxygen .93% Argon .04% Carbon Dioxide Water Vapor Other Particles Dust, dirt, smoke, volcanic ash, sea salt
Plot all data points on your graph. Layering of the ATM Plot all data points on your graph.
Prefix quiz 11-20 FRIDAY Finish plotting all data points on your graph Connect the dots Draw a horizontal line at 10km, 45 km, and 80 km
Atmosphere Tree Map – pg. 198 For each layer of the ATM, you need to have 3 facts in your own words!! When you get finished, you can: Read a book Work on other HW Study for your Prefix Quiz #2 (TOMORROW)
Layers of the ATM Troposphere: You are sitting in this layer! Where all weather occurs Temperature increases or decreases with altitude
Layers of the ATM Stratosphere: Where the ozone layer is, therefore increasing the temperature The ozone layer protects life on Earth by absorbing UV rays Air is thinner and drier
Layers of the ATM Mesosphere: The coldest layer in the ATM Where meteors tend to burn up
Layers of the ATM Thermosphere: Has the highest temperature in the ATM Where space begins Auroras happen here!
Layers of the ATM Exosphere: Exo means outside Sometimes called the Ionosphere Outermost layer of earths ATM Reaches up to 10,000 km Temperatures are anywhere 0-1,700 C Where the International Space Station orbits Earth
You jump off a diving board into the deep end of the pool You jump off a diving board into the deep end of the pool. Describe what you feel as you get closer to the bottom
Air Air has weight! Anything with mass has a weight. Air has mass therefore it has weight! Create a balance beam out of a meter stick. Blow up 2 balloons and show how much they weigh. Then let the air out of 1 balloon to show how air has weight 14.7 lbs!!
Air Pressure Air molecules move constantly and is affected by gravity. The force of this movement causes air pressure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CXd2h5O8OU
Differences in air pressure cause Earth’s winds and weather changes. How can air pressure change?
Air pressure can change with temperature and elevation
Air How much does air weigh? 14.7 lbs!! Trash Bag demo – when vacuum is turned on, the pressure inside the bag is reduced and becomes lower than the pressure outside. Reducing the pressure inside allows you to feel the 14.7 psi of atmospheric pressure.
**As altitude increases, air pressure decreases** As you move up the ATM, the air molecules are farther apart and decrease in pressure **As altitude increases, air pressure decreases**