Maggie Oldham Leadership Insights from Mid Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 2010 - 2014
Stephen Hay – Dec 2012 Stephen Hay, executive director of provider regulation at Monitor, said: "We have always acknowledged that the trust has made significant improvements in clinical standards in recent years. "However the independent experts have now advised us that they are likely to conclude that the trust cannot sustain itself either financially or clinically in the long term.
Remember everything done in the media spotlight
CURE’S wall of shame
Keeping going… CEO – retires as Administration starts 2 NEDS resigned at a board meeting COO to CEO Deputy COO to COO New DOF June 2012 Chief Nurse resigns – interim appointed 5th New HR Director in 3 years appointed 3 out of 4 Clinical Directors step down / leave High level of anxiety, staff moral very low Managing everyone's emotions biggest challenge
Key message – the organisation extremely fragile ‘A realisation very early on that the pattern of failure at the hospital was not only true, but it was serial, repetitive and deep in the organisation’ ‘They had lost the plot’ (Antony Sumara – Chief Executive 2009-2011)
2013 Government sanction further review of 300 deaths
Mr Bradshaw, Labour's Minister of State for Health Services between 2007 and 2009