What is Drama? Drama is different from other forms of literature because it is written to be performed. You need to imagine that you see and hear the action of the performance.
Elements of Drama Acts- are the units of the action in a drama. Acts are usually divided into scenes. Dialogue- is the term given to the words characters say. There are no quotation marks in a script. Stage directions- are sets of bracketed information that tells what the stage looks like and how the characters should move and speak.
Elements of Drama Set- is the construction on stage that suggests the time and place of the action. Props- are the movable items-objects like a book, a suitcase, of a flashlight- that the actors use to make their actions look realistic.
Types of Drama Drama- is a word often used to describe plays that address serious subjects. Comedy- is a form of drama that has a happy ending. The humor often comes out of the characters’ dialogue and situations. Tragedy- is a form of drama in which events lead to the downfall of the main character. This character is often a person of great significance, like a kind or a heroic figure.
Monologue- Is a long uninterrupted speech spoken by a character to other characters who remain silent. Soliloquy- Is a speech a character delivers while alone. Aside- Is a comment made by a character to the audience.