Drug Research Assignment Ecstasy Lily Stewart
Ecstasy MDMA known as ectasy was first found in 1912 by German pharmaceutical company called Merck. During the 1970s in the United States pharmacologist Dr Alexander Shulgin rediscovered MDMA and it was marketed as a therapeutic drug. By the 1990s ecstasy use was entrenched in the nightclub and electronic music scenes. MDMA was then banned in 1985 in the US was now an illegal substance.
The Appearance The appearance of the drug is normally a round looking tablet and it can also come in powder form known as ‘MDMA powder’. There are many different colours and patterns for each different pill and they are normally mixed with several other illegal drugs.
The Effects The short term affects of the drug Impaired judgment False sense of affection Confusion Depression Sleep problems Severe anxiety Paranoia Drug cravings Muscle tension Faintness and chills or swelling Involuntary teeth clenching Blurred vision Nausea The long term affects of he drug Long-lasting brain damage affecting thought and memory Damage to portions of the brain that regulate critical functions such as learning, sleep and emotion It is as if the brain switchboard was torn apart, then rewired backwards Degenerated nerve branches and nerve endings Depression, anxiety, memory loss Kidney failure Hemorrhaging Psychosis Convulsions Death
What is it called Street names Pingas Biccies Eccays Googs Roundys Disco biscuits Legal names Ecstasy MDMA Empathy Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
What are the harmful effects ? What are the harmful effects that the drug has on the person, family or friends of the user? The harmful effects on the user are death, seizers, high blood pressure and more there is not only physical effects but there are mental effects also due to the drug after a period of time starting to hurt you brain. The effects it has on the family is the person becomes very withdrawn and is not themselves and can cause them to do things they wouldn’t normally do.
What are the withdrawal symptoms ? The withdrawal symptoms aren't as bad as other drugs such as ice and heroin but it still has one Most users use it for the high and the feeling they get while on the drug. They use it to be happy and energetic. I found that a lot of people who are depressed and down use the drug. They use the drug as a get away and that’s where the addiction can start, without them even releasing.
What services are available in Victoria? Kids Helpline, Age: 5-25 , 1800 55 1800 Lifeline ,13 11 14 There are many services available for drug users and even there friends and family but It is up to the drug user if they want help or not.
Additional information Why people use the drug: people use the drug due to most get a feeling of a high and it makes them fell a lot better about themselves and thats how the addiction starts. Where is the drug most used: the drug is called a ‘party drug ‘ and is mainly taken at night clubs.
Who is at risk of using drugs ? Everyone is at risk of using the drug it just depends on what type of live you live and if you want to take drugs or not it is all up to you. Why teens try/use drugs? Teen try/use drugs due to they are young and have not experienced them yet also the clubbing and partying scene is a big part of .
What can you do to refuse drug use? What you can do to refuse personal drug use is not put yourself around people who use or are in the drug scene. You can also just simply say NO ! A lot of people struggle with that due to peer presser and giving in but you just have to be strong minded.
What can you do to help someone ? What you can do to help someone who is using dugs is give them support and show them the programs they can take part of to help them with there addiction. But if they don’t want to help themselves then there is nothing you can make them do unless they want to do it.