Higher order questions/ELL Lesson Topic(s): recognizing and writing numbers Week of: 1/22-1/25 Objectives: Students will recognize and write numbers 0-20. TEKS: (2)(B) read, write, and represents whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and without objects or pictures Essential Question: Why do we use numbers? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Students will participate in a whole group counting and number recognition activity. 100 day activities : scavenger hunt, snacks, and hat Race to 100 game with partners and create and put the 100 monster in their journal. Sub plans Predict and fill out record sheet for 100 second activities. Put number cards in order (0-100) Partners will play number recognition and writing activities. Math Stations Vocabulary Numbers Digit Represent Count Recognize Higher order questions/ELL How would you orally demonstrate counting? Write using vocabulary words: count and numbers in a sentence/ Explain what is wrong with this statement? I see 3 stars. **** Use formal/informal English to discuss with your partner What your favorite math station was and what skills you were working on. Assessment Strategy Students will participate in number recognition and writing activities with their partners.