Theme: Do not judge a book by its cover. Favorite Quote: “Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength…..He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts” (p.304). Theme: Do not judge a book by its cover. #choosekind #TreacherCollins #JackWill Character Analysis: Auggie is the main character and protagonist. He has a facial deformity caused by a genetic disorder called Treacher Collins. People are terrified by Auggie because of the way he looks. Auggie overcomes bullying and learns to stand up for himself. Auggie is a dynamic character because in the beginning of the book Auggie is afraid to go to school and is very shy. Through Auggie’s own acceptance and strength others see his true inside appearance. Auggie realizes his true worth. Climax: The climax of the novel Wonder occurs when Auggie decides to fight a kid two times the size of him. He is trying to protect his friend Jack Will. “And this is the point where I knew I should run away as fast as I could, but Jack was still on the ground and I wasn’t about to leave him”(p.266). I give the novel Wonder 5 out of 5 stars. This book resonated with me because our society looks at outside appearances, instead of getting to know the real person. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Favorite Quote: Theme: # Character Analysis: Book Cover Climax:
Book Blast Rubric
Things to consider Design Does design represent my book? *I chose blue and complementary colors because it represents the book cover of Wonder. Did I cite evidence from the book with page numbers to support my claims? Extra credit Are my hyperlinks relevant to my hashtags? Worth 5 points each