Upper KS2 Target Setting
What is target setting? Target setting is a significant strategy in our school for improving pupils achievements. We know that it is effective only if we remember that the pupil is at the heart of the process. The targets that we set are challenging, but realistic taking into account each child’s starting point. Assess – Where are the children? Track – How are they progressing? Target Set – What do they need to know? Support – What help is needed?
Aims: Raises standards for all children. Motivates and involves children in their own learning and progress Informs and involves parents/carers Challenges all pupils to do better. Takes into account each pupils’ starting point for learning. Encourages pupils to discuss and review their progress with teachers/peers. Leads to a more focused teaching and learning Informs the planning process.
Role of the pupils: To know their next steps – targets. Use pupil self-assessment to measure their progress against success criteria and targets. Know the levels they are working at. Seek advice/help when needed. Share their learning and progress with parents/carers.
Role of the Parent: Know your child’s targets. Support them in achieving them. Support the school. Attend Parent Evenings and Information Evenings.
Role of the teacher: Teachers will regularly assess each pupil both formally (test) and informally (class work). Teachers will provide opportunities for children to peer and self-assess. Teachers will provide opportunities for pupils to discuss their learning and next steps. Teachers will give appropriate feedback to children either verbally or written to help them achieve their goals. Teachers will keep parents informed on the progress of their child.