Quickwrite Collection 4 The Sniper What qualities enable people to perform well when facing heart-pounding fear or stress? Think about your own experiences or those of someone you know, as well as news stories or fiction you’ve read. Then, jot down your thoughts about people taking action when the stakes are high.
Quickwrite Collection 4 Cranes Which is worse: betraying one’s duty or betraying one’s friend? Imagine a situation in which you were forced to make such a choice. What issues would you weigh as you tried to make a decision? Freewrite for a few minutes about this dilemma.
Quickwrite Collection 4 Liberty Imagine that your family is leaving home because you’re all in great danger. You must leave now, and there’s no chance of returning. You can take only one special belonging with you. What will it be? List your top three choices. Then, quickwrite about what you’ll miss most about your home.
Quickwrite Collection 4 Exile Think about the word exile, and brainstorm for a few minutes about the images it calls to mind. Imagine that you have been exiled from something precious to you: a beloved place or a particular group of people. Write a few sentences about what that experience would be like.
Quickwrite Collection 4 An American Story Countries, like people, have complex identities based on many factors, such as culture, traditions, values, and history. Think about the title “An American Story.” How would you describe America’s identity? What do you think of when you hear something described as American? Jot down your thoughts about these questions.