Seeking Things Above Romans 8:5-14
seeking Above THINGS THINGS Romans 8:5-14
What is our mind set? Rom. 8:4-5 Two choices: Fleshly or Spiritual Rom. 8:6 Two consequences Fleshly = Death Spiritual = Life & Peace Rom. 8:12 “We are under obligation” Those who are “spiritual” are “governed by the Spirit of God” (Thayer)
Attitudes Must Change Col. 3 Spiritual instead of Selfish 3:1 Keep seeking things above 3:2 Set our mind 3:3 You have died 3:5 Different from the world Have we laid these aside? Are we continuing to seek the things above?
Attitudes Must Change 1 Tim. 6 Spiritual instead of Materialistic 6:17 Our hope is fixed 6:17 Riches are uncertain Being different from the world 6:17 Trust in God 6:18 Rich in good works God’s instruction for all believers
Do you think different than the world? seeking Above THINGS THINGS Do you think different than the world? Are you pleasing God?