WELCOME! Things to do as you get settled in… If you have not already, register to vote: http://registertovote.ca.gov/ Put the next Show Up on your calendar: October 23rd, 11 AM, Hillcrest Farmers Market. Put the second half of the Vote for Racial Justice Teach-In on your calendar: October 27th, 6:30 PM. Get connected to SURJ by email, facebook, and/or Slack.
Teach-In Guide on the SURJ San Diego Website: https://surjsandiego.org Today: Teach-In on State Propositions 57 & 58 October 27th: Teach-In Part II Homework: Host a Teach-In Teach-In Guide on the SURJ San Diego Website: https://surjsandiego.org 10.13.16 TEACH-IN VOTE FOR RACIAL JUSTICE
PROP 57: MATCHING ACTIVITY Find the person who has the notecard that matched yours. For example, if your card says “1 + 1”, you would find the person with the notecard that says “2”. If you do not have a card, partner up with someone else. When you find your match: Introduce yourselves to each other. Tell each other what brought you to the Teach-In today.
Non-Violent Criminals Juvenile Court Trial Requirements VOTE YES Expand the number of prisoners convicted of nonviolent crimes eligible for parole Alleviate overcrowding in prisons and improve prison conditions Reduce recidivism by expanding opportunities for rehabilitation Lessen the power of incarceration as a tool to exclude, marginalize, and impoverish Black and brown citizens Allow judges, not prosecutors, to decide whether youth under 18 will be tried as adults Prop 57: Parole for Non-Violent Criminals & Juvenile Court Trial Requirements
San Diego County: Jail Incarceration Vera Institute of Justice, 2014
California: Educating or Incarcerating? U.S. Census Data and Vera Institute of Justice
California: Educating or Incarcerating?
Non-Violent Criminals Juvenile Court Trial Requirements DISCUSS WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE STRONGEST ARGUMENT TO CONVINCE SOMEONE ELSE TO VOTE “YES” FOR PROP 57? Prop 57: Parole for Non-Violent Criminals & Juvenile Court Trial Requirements
BREAK TIME: 5 MINUTES Things to do during the break... Eat some snacks. Confirm with Joe that you will attend the October 23rd Show Up. Meet someone new.
PROP 58: SIMULATION Explain to your partner what you did last night without using the letter “n.” Each person will have two minutes. If you hear your partner use the letter “n,” tap your nose like this (do not interrupt).
PROP 58: SIMULATION Explain to your partner what you did last night without using the letter “n.” Each person will have two minutes. If you hear your partner use the letter “n,” tap your nose like this (do not interrupt). Now, each person has two minutes to explain what prop 57 is about and what’s at stake. You cannot use the letter “r.” If your partner uses the letter “r”, tap your nose.
Prop 58: Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education VOTE YES Removes restrictions on non-English language instruction that were passed in 1998, although English proficiency remains a priority Encourages school districts to offer language immersion programs, expanding opportunities for all students to learn another language Restores local control to parents and community members Sends positive message to everyone, including English learners and their families, about the value of knowing more than one language Better job opportunities Prop 58: Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education
Recent Anti -Immigrant History in California In 1986 California voters approved Proposition 63, making English the official language. It was sponsored by John H. Tanton, a white nationalist. In 1994 the state’s voters approved Proposition 187, which prohibited “illegal aliens” from using government services such as public schools. The state would run its own citizenship screening program. The measure was found unconstitutional shortly after it passed. In 1998 voters approved Proposition 227, the “English in the Public Schools” initiative, setting up obstacles to bilingual education or other uses of non-English languages for instruction.
Changes in California’s Demographics Since 1970
English Learners in CA &SD
Research on Second Language Acquisition If you have solid academic skills in your first language, it’s easier to learn a second language. While it only takes a couple years to learn a “playground” level of language, it takes 5-7 years to develop cognitive and academic language skills. James Cummins’ theory: in order to help students from “minority” language backgrounds succeed in school, education should provide messages counteracting societal power relations. Instilling pride in students’ native language and culture is one way to do this.
Prop 58: Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education DISCUSS WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE STRONGEST ARGUMENT TO CONVINCE SOMEONE ELSE TO VOTE “YES” FOR PROP 58? Prop 58: Non-English Languages Allowed in Public Education
WRAP UP: Vote YES on PROPS 57 & 58 Attend part II of the Teach-In on October 27th, 6:30 PM. HOST a TEACH-IN Download the Teach-In Guide from the SURJ-SD Website: https://surjsandiego.org Attend the Show Up on October 23rd, 11 AM at the Hillcrest Farmers Market. WRAP UP: