BOOK NOW! Peru Inca Trail Costs Schedule Costs Special Introductory Registration Fee £199.00 (valid until 17th October) This is payable on booking. From 17th Oct fee increases to £249.00. Sponsorship Required £3995.00 (tour costs £2125 donation to charity £1870) Minimum 60% (£2399.00) is due 10 weeks prior to departure. Total sponsorship must be met by December 2019. Not included Airline fuel supplement (approx. £170. payable to Discover Adventure 8 weeks prior to departure) Personal Travel insurance Spending money & tips (approx. £200) BOOK NOW! The minimum sponsorship target shouldn’t feel daunting, broken down over 12 months is approximately £350 per month! We are here to assist and guide you so do please ask anytime.